Tuesday, November 7, 2017

A Package Full Of Grace

Today a package showed up on my doorstep. It wasn’t unexpected. I had placed an order for it just last week so there shouldn’t have been any surprise when the mailman rang my doorbell this morning.

About 3 years ago, after a casual invite I decided to try a new church. It wasn’t super close to our house and I wasn’t really looking for a church but something made me go. Over the last 3 years, that church has become our second home. That casual invite led us to some amazing friends who have stood by us, held us when we cried, prayed over us, and loved us through so much over the last 3 years. What seems like such a short time, feels like decades. 

In that short time, we’ve lost 3 precious babies and the range of emotions we’ve dealt with have wreaked havoc on us. I’ve struggled so much with other people sharing news of their pregnancies. I’ve had breakdowns in the baby aisles at Target trying to by a baby shower gift. I’ve cried at church more times than I can count. And I’ve been the friend that broke down in front of a beautiful friend that had just announced her pregnancy. Y’all, I’ve been a hot mess of emotion when normally I’m made of steel. I’m not used to needing a shoulder to cry on, that’s generally the role I play for others.

But in all that, two of those amazing friends we met we’re walking an eerily similar road. We’ve each walked that road in our own way, her probably with at least a little more grace than I have, but thanks to an amazing group of friends, we never walked alone.

So today when that package showed up, full of baby shower invitations for that sweet, precious friend of mine, I found myself in a puddle of tears again. But for the first time, they weren’t tears of hurt and anger. They were wholehearted tears of praise that this beautiful boss babe is pregnant with a beautiful baby boy. God is good, y’all!! 

I don’t know if I’ll ever see the miracle she’s experiencing in my own story, but right now I’m just so thankful that I get to celebrate her!!