Monday, December 26, 2016

New Year, New You

It's that time of year again. Time to start making our new year's resolutions and the time the most of us are most likely to focus on getting fit, but did you know that only about 8% of people that make resolutions actually succeed?! That's a pretty intimidating statistic.

So I'm challenging 10 ladies to join me for 21 days to start the new year off right and learn the healthy habits you need to stick to your resolution and be part of that 8%. No matter what your fitness level is you can find success with this group. Each workout includes a modifier and different levels of intensity to help you improve your strength, flexibility, and endurance every time you press play.

We start our 21 days on January 1st, just in time to rock those resolutions!

What's included?

>Workout program of your choice, done in the comfort of your own home!
>Simple, easy to follow meal plans
>Delicious recipes
>Superfood nutrition shake that replaces one meal a day
>Online access to my PRIVATE Facebook support group
>Surround yourself with other women on the same journey
>Accountability and support from ME!

PLUS Beachbody is doing it's HEALTH BET again, which means you have the ability to get fit, lose weight, AND EARN MONEY!!!

During the course of this group you will learn how to navigate your meal plan, get help setting realistic and achievable goals, have daily accountability to help you stay on track, and have access to clean eating recipes that will help you replace bad habits with healthier ones!

While this group will surround you with other women on the same journey, I would also challenge you to INVITE A FRIEND to join you. Success is not only easier to achieve with an accountability partner, but it's just more fun to have a friend with you!!

Ready to join? Click GOING on the Facebook Event Page and I'll be in touch to get you signed up with everything you need.

Let's make 2017 our healthiest year yet!!

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