Thursday, November 10, 2016

Resolution REBOOT

Resolutions are HARD and if you're anything like me, as the year has dragged on, those resolutions have probably gotten set aside and forgotten about. Don't worry though...this year isn't over yet!!

I'm hosting a Resolution Reboot group next month to help us finish the year stronger than we started! This group will give us the opportunity to get back on track and actually get those resolutions done.

During the course of this group, we'll work through the 21 Day Fix (or 21 Day Fix EXTREME, if you're looking for a bigger challenge) program. By joining this group, you'll get help achieving the best results possibile.

What do you need to reboot your resolution?

> Purchase your 21 Day Fix (or 21 Day Fix EXTREME) program or challenge pack
> Commit to doing 1 workout per day (unless you choose to go EXTREME) for at least 21 days
> Participate in the group daily

To reserve a space in the group, please click "going" on this event page and I will send you the full sign-up details.

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