Throwbacks like this make me so thankful for how far I've come. I hardly recognize the girl in the photo from 2011, but seeing that reminds me how she felt. Sad, miserable, unhealthy, lost, and drowning in depression. The sparkle is completely gone from her eyes.✨
For years, I could only dream about running around on the playground with my little girl. To be completely honest just bending over or going up and down the stairs was a struggle. Every slight bit of physical activity was completely exhausting and draining. The more exhausted or winded I felt, the more I would beat myself up. I truly hated what I saw in the mirror and little by little I was losing what was left of myself.
So many of us have been there and I know there are people reading this that are still there. If you're that person, please know you're not alone! I've stood in your shoes, I've lived in them, and I know how easy it is to think there's no way out. That it's too late or too hard to change your life...IT'S NOT!!⏰
Don't wait another day. Shoot, don't wait another minute! This is your wake up call. This is your chance! You too can change your life, get healthy, and put that sparkle back in your eyes...and I'm here to help you THE WHOLE WAY!!
I'm getting ready to run a 21 day challenge group to help you shed some pounds before the end of the year. Why wait for a new year's resolution when you can get a head start today?!
Resolutions are HARD and if you're anything like me, as the year has dragged on, those resolutions have probably gotten set aside and forgotten about. Don't worry though...this year isn't over yet!! It's not too late to make those resolutions happen!
I'm hosting a Resolution Reboot group next month to help us finish the year stronger than we started! This group will give us the opportunity to get back on track and actually get those resolutions done.
During the course of this group, we'll work through the 21 Day Fix (or 21 Day Fix EXTREME, if you're looking for a bigger challenge) program. By joining this group, you'll get help achieving the best results possible.
What do you need to REBOOT YOUR RESOLUTION?
> Purchase your 21 Day Fix (or 21 Day Fix EXTREME) program or challenge pack
To reserve a space in the group, please click "going" on THE RESOLUTION REBOOT EVENT PAGE and I will send you the full sign-up details.
This group is your first step to an amazing throwback picture like the one I shared. You'll be looking back at today as the turning point, the time you finally shook off all of your excuses and dove in! You've got this! It's time to be brave and go for it...and I'll be here with you the entire way, cheering you own and holding you accountable to make sure you reach those goals!
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