Saturday, July 23, 2016

Why I finally gave in and ordered Shakeology...

Y'all I hate spending money. I hate spending on things I need and often won't even spend on things I really want. I'm frugal to a fault. I've been called cheap and while I'm always so ready to give all of my time to someone, I really struggle when it comes to giving my money. I will spend countless hours researching a cheaper option or putting off a purchase as long as possible simply because I don't want to see that money disappear out of my bank account. I imagine that comes from years of being dirt poor, but regardless, that's me. I'm a cheapskate...and I'm ok with that.

I have so many amazing friends who have many different home-based businesses. From Mary Kay and BeautyCounter to Mary & Martha and ThirtyOne. Their businesses are awesome, between all of them, you'll never need to go to a store for more than just groceries. They sell it all and the products are awesome!!! They have these great socials and show off all of the awesome new face washes or kitchen gadgets that they offer. The socials are fun, the products are great, but usually I'm still the one that walks away without purchasing a single item. They all know this. They all expect this. I'm the girl that won't buy it unless I desperately need it. And as much as I love that Pampered Chef chopper, I'm not going to pay $34 for it. I'm just not.

So when my sister-in-law reached out to me about Shakeology, I wasn't even listening to what was in it, why it would be good for me, or why I just had to try it. Nope. No thank you. I'll stick to my $17 protein powder from Wal-Mart, thank you very much. That reads harsher than it sounds in my head, so just take it with a grain of salt and know that I'm not coming from a place of negativity. I wasn't interested in paying more than I already was. To me $17 for a jar of protein powder was already more than I wanted to spend. My husband is most likely rolling his eyes at this point, just like he does anytime I get crazy about not wanting to spend a small amount of money on something we regularly use. I mean have y'all seen how much toilet paper is?! Or milk?! What a racket!!

But in May I signed up to participate in one of her FREE challenge groups and the prize for completing the group and checking in each day was a shaker cup and a sample of Shakeology. Now y'all, I'm not going to pay for this magical shake she's told me about, but you better believe I'm going to be on that challenge group every single day doing whatever crazy thing she tells me to do, to get that free sample. That's just me and I'm owning it loud and proud for all of you to see.

{Yes, y'all, that is me, planking on a monkey, 
at the zoo for one of her challenge groups! 
There's no shame in my game!!}

And that's exactly what I did. And I earned that free sample, 1 scoop of chocolate Shakeology. But y'all, for real, I'm cheap so I made that sample last. I wasn't about to waste the whole scoop on one drink!! I split in it half and made a chocolate cherry shake, with half a scoop left over. Some would say that's where I went wrong. I tried it. Y'all it was incredible! It tasted just like a milkshake!! And that was with only half a scoop!!! I just kept thinking it must be even more delicious with a whole scoop!

The next day I made another shake, but then my sample bag was empty. And I'm not going to lie, I was bummed. On the third day, I had to go back to my Walmart protein powder, and y'all I didn't even want it. Nothing has ever tasted so bland and so boring. It did nothing to curb my sweet tooth and yet I still didn't order Shakeology!! I still waited almost another month before I finally gave in and ordered it!!

It's now been a week since I placed my first Shakeology order and I've been drinking it every day since it arrived. Y'all my sweet tooth is gone!!! I haven't had a single craving since I started drinking it. NOT ONE!! 

Y'all I have seriously been blown away by how incredible this stuff is. I still find it hard to believe that anything this healthy could be this good and even my husband agrees. He compared my S'mores Shakeology to a Cookout milkshake!!! So while I'm still not rushing out to buy that $34 chopper, you can bet that I'll be ordering my Shakeology every month.

And before I sign off, I just want to give a HUGE shout out to each one of my amazing friends that has one of these incredible home-based businesses. I know I'm always the one to leave without a purchase and I know y'all understand why, but I just want to take a second to tell each of you how proud I am of you and how lucky I am to call you my friends!!! Love you girls!! 

***Emma has informed me that I'm not actually planking on a monkey in the picture above. Apparently chimpanzees are apes and you can tell because they don't have tails. My 6-year old may be smarter than I am...***

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