Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Eat Clean & Give Thanks

A Turkey Day without plates and plates of pumpkin pie, fluffy stuffing, sweet potato pie, and green bean casserole would be just plain wrong. Thanksgiving is a mighty celebration of calories and you would be lying if you said you haven't fallen victim to over-indulging at least once or twice on this epic day of feasting.

Did you know that the typical American consumes a whopping 4,500 CALORIES worth of turkey and all the trimmings on Thanksgiving?! Can you even believe that?! But eating fried onions from a can and MSG-laden condensed mushroom soup is NOT written in the by-laws of this cherished feast.

So, as a way to help us all find healthier, and just as yummy, versions of our favorite holiday foods, I'm running a 14 day Thanksgiving Menu Makeover group. The group will run November 10-November 23, 2016. During the course of this group, you'll have access to some healthier versions of your traditional Thanksgiving recipes. With these delicious clean eating options, you'll be able to focus on stuffing the turkey...not yourself. You can feel free to gobble with a lot less wobble!! (Cheesy, I know!!)

Want in on the fun? Want access to 14 FREE RECIPES? Want to make over your Thanksgiving feast without losing the flavor? Here's how to join:

  • LIKE my fitness page, Get Fit With Alina, on Facebook, so you'll be able to see all the posts and updates from me. Just click the link above and hit the LIKE button. 
  • RSVP to the Facebook event HERE. Be sure to tag a friend, and invite them to join you.
  • Request to join the private Facebook group via the link that will be posted on the event page on Monday, November 7th.
**BE SURE TO LIKE MY PAGE so you'll get the notification when the group link is posted**

Also, coming to Get Fit With Alina in November...
  • 30 Days of Gratitude CHALLENGE
  • 30 Days of Scripture Writing CHALLENGE
{Photo Cred: Sweet Blessings}

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