Monday, October 24, 2016

TurboFire Challenge

Last month, I gave TurboFire a try and y'all, it has quickly become my favorite workout. I love the high intensity workouts that I can fit in no matter how little time I have! And now, I'm ready to dive in to the full TurboFire progam, but it's no fun to do it alone!

So, I'm looking for 3-5 women to join me for the next 90 days. Making a commitment to one another to stick with the program for the entire 90 days. Maybe you're not sure exactly what TurboFire really is. You can read a more in depth description HERE, but the short's HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) that includes cardio, dance, kickboxing, and more! And the best part, there are workouts as short as 20 MINUTES!! I mean seriously, who doesn't have 20 minutes?!

What do you need to join? All you need is the TurboFire program! And if this is your first challenge, you can get your first 30 days of the program FREE!!! Sign up below and I'll tell you how to get it FREE!!

So, how can you join? It's simple, just click the sign up button below and you're in! Once you're signed up, I'll email to get you set up with the program and get you added to the Facebook group.

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