You want to know a secret? I struggle BIG TIME with consistency. That's right, I'm a fitness coach who managed to lose almost 150 pounds and keep the majority of it off. We'll call that my "claim to fame." But let's be real, that was a journey I started in 2013 and by the end of 2014, I'd hit my goal and you want to know the scariest part of the story. By the spring of 2015, I had slipped back into dangerous habits.
I was no longer working out regularly, somehow I no longer had time. Funny, since I'm pretty sure I had been operating with the same 24 hours all along. I was no longer eating like food was fuel, I went right back to emotional eating and enjoying way too many treats. I mean, let's get real, it's only a treat if it's an occasional thing. That's what makes it a TREAT! If we're enjoying a cookie every single night before bed, that's routine...not a special treat.
By the end of 2015, guess what? Those jeans I had been so excited to fit back into didn't fit. They wouldn't even button. By 2016, I was working out again, but sporadically. I'd dive full force into a workout program and go full force for a week or two, but then I was right back to zero motivation and compiling my list of epic excuses. And the pants still didn't fit.
In July of 2016, I decided becoming a Beachbody coach was the perfect solution. Encouraging other people to get healthy would be the perfect motivator for me. And initially it was. But here's the thing, motivation is fleeting and it always will be. You're never going to find one thing that motivates you from now until the end of time. I know I've said that in a million other blog posts, but even I struggle to truly accept that. I'm constantly letting lack of motivation rule my life.
So 2016 continued with moderate success.By January of 2017, I knocked 12 pounds off the scale, but after that the dang thing wouldn't move another ounce!! I would fluctuate within a pound or so and nothing more. One day it had gone down, the next day back up, and on and on.
This could have been the perfect "motivator" to launch me full force into a workout program that I already know is effective. I know it works, because I've seen it work. Do you think that's what I did? Of course not!! Common sense went out the window and self-destructive thoughts and eating habits crept right back in. How does this happen to someone in the position to help other people set and crush their own health and fitness goals?
This would generally be the part of the story where I would tell you some magical solution and eagerly share that I've lost every pound I wanted to lose...this is not that story. Instead, this story is my attempt to be as authentic and open with you as I've ever been. My hope is that authenticity will help you do some soul searching too and not be afraid to step out in the direction of your goals, no matter how scary and no matter how many times you've tried to reach them before.
So, if I'm not going to tell you a success story, what the heck am I writing for?! Well, I started 2017 by reading Chalene Johnson's book "Push." My hope was that it would be the "motivator" that I needed. You can't see me, just know that every time you see that dang word, it's complete with an over-exaggerated eye roll. Let's be clear, the book is awesome. And what should have taken me 30 days to read took closer to 75.
I still had 2 days left to finish in the book when I finally realized I was just spinning my wheels. I was reading all the awesome things she had to say, but I wasn't fully putting them into action. Knowledge without application is completely wasted!! So, in an effort to say that I wasn't a quitter, I quickly read through the last 2 days and moved my bookmark back to day 1.
This week has probably been one of my most productive all year. I've done some major soul searching to figure out why I'm struggling, what things are working and what's not, and how to change it. So, I reevaluated my 10 goals for 2017, decided which ones needed to be altered, not because they're easier to achieve (because they're definitely not), but which ones were more on target with my priorities. And then I needed to evaluate my progress so far this wasn't good.
Essentially, I've been wasting my time for most of 2017 up until this week. That's a pretty crappy feeling, but an excellent wake up call. It's clear as can be now that motivation isn't my problem. My problem is consistency. I make this excellent plan to help me reach my goal and I kill it for up to 7 days and then it all falls apart. So here I am, starting a new plan...again. Have I mastered the whole consistency thing? Not yet, but I'm sharing this with you for my own accountability. In the next few posts, I'll be sharing 5 of my goals with you, my plan to reach them before the end of the year, and my progress.
I hope that my vulnerability will help you realize that you're not alone. You're not the only one struggling to drop those extra pounds but finding your hand back in the cookie jar over and over. You're not the only one wanting so badly to complete a workout program only to find yourself plopped on the couch or going for coffee with your girlfriends instead. Whatever it is, YOU'RE NOT ALONE!!
2017 Goals:
1. Lose 40 pounds
2. Be COMPLETELY debt free
3. Read 24 books (I upped it from 12!)
4. Study 4 books of the Bible
5. Complete 90 days of TurboFire
The plan for today is to set goals for the next 30 days and to focus on them one day at a time. So these goals have been set, a plan has been made, smaller weekly goals have been set to reach within those 30 days to get me closer to these BIG goals, and those weekly goals have been broken down farther into daily goals.
Will this wake up call be as successful as the one I got in 2013? Who knows, but today is a new day and I'm focusing on the 24 hours in front of me and making sure that every step is a little bit closer to crushing every single one of these goals. Here goes nothing!! I'm diving in, how about you?