Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Day 1: Permission to Pin

Can I just say...I'm so glad you're here!! I know adding just one more thing into your schedule, especially for 5 days is no easy task so I'm super excited you've decided to join me for the next few days while we purge your closet, find some clothes you LOVE (and already own), and put together some pretty magical outfits.

Today is going to be a pretty awesome, fun, and easy day. Why, you ask? Because I'm giving you PERMISSION TO PIN! That's right, day 1 is taking us straight to Pinterest!

Now, before I lose you and you get lost in the amazingness that is the never-ending supply of pretty things to look at, there are a few ground rules.

1. There is a point to this exercise. We aren't going to blindly post every single thing we see to a board already cluttered with pins we've been collecting for years. This is a FOCUSED time to really explore and figure out what our style really looks like. 

2. Even if you think you're 100% sure what your style looks like, you're going to want to participate today. I promise it's still going to be revealing for you and will be necessary for tomorrow's task. 

{Photo Cred:Who What Wear}

3. Even if you already have a style themed pin board...START A NEW ONE! You're welcome to move some of your older pins to the new board, but I want you to start fresh. 

4. I want you to pin anything that jumps out a you. If you love it, pin it. Try to pin at least 30 images. You definitely can't have too many, but this also shouldn't consume your entire day. 

5. There is absolutely ZERO self-doubt or negativity happening here. It's important that you get that now, because that is going to carry over during every single day of this challenge. We're not beating ourselves up if we're not a size 2. We're not stressing over that muffin top or wishing we could count our abs. NONE OF THAT!! You are absolutely fabulous and if you need to repeat that to yourself 100 times before we start, go ahead, we'll wait for you beautiful girl!! Shoot, make it your wallpaper on your phone. Whatever it takes. Just get it in your head now...there is only one of you and YOU ARE AMAZING!! Got it? Ok, let's move on.

6. Refer back to #5...YOU ARE AWESOME!!

Alright, I think you've got it! If you need some help getting started, feel free to check out my style pin board, created specifically for this group. You can also join the Closet Clean Out Group on Pinterest and feel free to browse and share ideas with some other fabulous ladies!

Ready. Set. Get to pinning!!

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