Friday, April 21, 2017

Day 3: Try It On

The last 2 days have been spent pinning some awesome threads and pinpointing your own personal style. But today, we're finally opening the closet door. 

Before we actually turn the handle though, I want you to pull up that amazing pin board you created. We're not adding anything to it today, but I want it in front of you. Turn on some awesome tunes, some that make you feel good and maybe even make you want to shake your groove thang all over the house. the door. Beware of anything tumbling off the top shelf and all those woppyjawed hangers.

The most important thing right now is not to be overwhelmed. If you're anything like me, that closet is packed to the brim with clothes. Clothes you've spent hard earned money on and aren't looking forward to parting with. You're not alone. But remember, those clothes you spent all that money on...that you never wear...are just taking up space in your closet and in your brain. THEY'VE GOT TO GO!! 

Ready to get started?

1. Don't hate're going to pull everything out of your closet (and your drawers). Every. Single. Item. NO EXCEPTIONS!! Yes, your underwear too!

2. Try it all on. Yep, every single piece. (See, why I was worried you were going to hate me?) And yes, the underwear too! 

3. Every time you put an item on, I want you to ask yourself if you would pin that item to your pin board? Does that item make you feel the way you told me you want to feel every single time you get dressed?

**Side note, I don't care what size is on the tag and neither should you. Girl, sizes vary everywhere!! You might be a large in one store and a small in another. If it looks good, who cares what the tag says?! Yes, a fitness coach just said that to you!! If the number bothers you enough that you would get rid of a piece you love, cut that dang tag out!!!**

4. Now it's time to decide what to do with those pieces. Does it match your style board and make you feel AMAZING? Keep pile it is. Do you love those jeans, but they're in desperate need of a hem? Alterations pile! Maybe it's a great piece that just doesn't fit the style you're trying to create. Maybe it even still has the tag on it. Donate or sell it! 

So, how many piles do you need?

KEEP | These are clothes that perfectly fit into the style you're creating. You would pin them to your own pin board and they make you feel like the #girlboss that you are!

ALTER | These are pieces that would easily fit into the KEEP pile if a little tweak was made. Maybe they need to be let out, hemmed, or mended in some way. 

SELL | Let's be realistic, when your closet purge is done, you're most likely going to convince yourself that there is some magical piece from that pin board that you absolutely must purchase. For me, it was that yellow blazer!! If the items are in good condition (and you genuinely have a few items to purchase) consider putting them here first. Sell what you can and donate the rest. Use whatever money you can get, to purchase the items you need to complete your closet. But remember, the items that you purchase should fit into your style board (you would pin them to the board) and they should make you feel amazing...and not just because they're new or were on sale!

DONATE | Maybe you're uber awesome and you're perfectly content with the items left in your closet. In that case, find another awesome mama or charity to donate to. Just remember, these clothes should be in good condition. Don't donate junk full of holes that no one can reasonably use. 

TRASH | This pile is strictly for clothes that can no longer be used. If you're still hanging on to your jeans for sentimental reasons even though they have an enormous rip in the crotch...TRASH THEM!!

STORE | I'm going to need for you to be pretty strict about this pile. I would suggest storing clothes seasonally. So right now, leave out spring and summer clothes for us to organize in the next couple of days and store your fall\winter clothes. However, I'm going to give you an exception. If you are currently on a weight loss you've already lost 10+ pounds and you're getting close to those jeans that are a smidge too can store them. If you've been dreaming about losing 10 pounds for the last 5 years, but you can't even get a leg in those high school jeans, let them go.

Now, I want to be clear...I am not telling you to give up on that goal of losing 10 pounds. If you want/need to lose that to be a healthier, happier version of yourself, let me know. I will help you. But let's be real, that article of clothing isn't motivating you. Let it go and let's find something that will work.

?? | I feel pretty confident in saying that you're going to have at least a few pieces that you're not sure what to do with them. They're going in this pile, but here's the've got 30 days to wear them or get rid of them. You can hang them up with the hangers turned a different way or if you're OCD like me and can't stand them turned different ways, attach a small piece of ribbon to the hanger. I remove the ribbon when I've worn the item. Set a reminder on your phone or mark your calendar for 30 days from now. If the ribbon is still there or the hanger is still turned, let it go.

Lastly, before you get in front of that mirror and start criticizing yourself, I want you to remember that you are AMAZING!!! Absolutely, stunningly, beautiful and I want you to have fun with this!! Your fashion show awaits!!

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