Monday, September 12, 2016

Challenger Spotlight {Nicole}

As I sit here writing this we are almost a week into my September Challenge Group and I still can't believe it has taken me this long to write this post. I've been so excited to share some of the results from our group and it just hasn't happened yet.

In some of my other posts, you've gotten to meet my sister-in-law and see her complete a wacky water challenge and do some pretty epic pirate planking! Today, I want to use the blog to spotlight just how awesome she really is.

My sister-in-law, Nicole, is one of my favorite people. She's fun and has the best sense of humor and did I mention she always calls me Princess? If you know me at all, you know exactly how awesome that really is! Seriously, y'all she is amazing!! She was one of the first to sign up for my August Challenge Group and she was one of only two challengers to be active in the group every single day. Not to mention she won 2 of the three prize challenges!

During our 21 day group, Nicole focused on clean eating and incorporating cardio into her workout schedule. During the course of the group she lost 3 pounds and 3.75 inches!!

Nicole, I am so proud of you!!! Excellent job sticking to your plan for the duration of our group and I can't wait to have you join us for another round!!

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