Hey y'all, I'm rushing this morning to head to a training seminar for a new job I've taken on at Emma Boo's school, but I wanted to take a minute to share the thought that has been bouncing around in my head as I prepare for the start of the August Challenge Group on Monday. So, don't expect something profound or perfectly written or even filled with funny memes, just a little truth bomb to start your day. But know this, if you don't like tough love, this post isn't for you. Check back tomorrow and I'll try to post something on the lighter side.
I've shared before that I had every excuse in the book, but then something changed. Someone held a mirror up to me and it wasn't just that I didn't like what I saw, but more that I realized what was missing...my happiness, my personality, a genuine smile. That was the kick start that I needed to do what needed to be done. My husband was a different story. He's worked out with one of his closest friends and that friend motivated him with trash talk and tough love. Well, as a HUGE sports fan (GO BLUE DEVILS!!) I definitely don't hate this approach. While I'll agree that it's not for everyone and it's not the first approach I choose with my challengers, today it's where my head is.
So today I'm talking to everyone that is sitting where I was. The people that get up every morning a get on the scale or look in the mirror and hate what they see. The people who think, I'm going to start working out or eating healthy...TOMORROW. Guess what ya'll, we're not guaranteed a tomorrow. You can keep putting this off until tomorrow, but let me tell you this, until your mindset changes, until you decide to make a change TODAY, nothing will ever change. You have to make that decision, you have to choose to change TODAY!!
And guess what? Only YOU can do that. I can't take that leap for you. I can't make you do and there are no magical words I can say to make you start today. You've got to dig down and take a good look at yourself and realize that YOU ARE WORTH IT and the only thing standing in your way is YOU!!
That first step might look different for everyone, but it just needs to be a step you take TODAY. Maybe you start by switching out that cheeseburger for a salad, maybe you go for a walk...or even a run this morning, or maybe you need some help getting started.
My first time around, I didn't need anybody's help. I didn't tell anyone what I was doing, I just got busy. And I was super successful. This time, I couldn't find that same motivation. I had put on some weight, sure, but I was nowhere close to where I had been. I was struggling and then someone reached out to me and invited me to join a challenge group. Joining that group made me realize what I needed this time was a support system and accountability.
Y'all I can't say that I've reached my goal this time. In all honesty, I'm just not there yet. BUT I'm on the road. I've taken the steps I need to take EVERY SINGLE DAY for the last 33 days and I'm not quitting. I will stay in a challenge group as long as I need to in order to reach my goals, and probably beyond that.
The first time around, I used P90X to change my life. The second time around, I'm still using Tony Horton, but my most valuable tool is the people around me supporting me and encouraging me along the way.
You have to figure out what tool you need to change your life, but in the meantime, it's ok to try different things. You just have to try. Maybe there is a workout program that you've used in the past, awesome, try that. Maybe you need some help, I'm here. All the links to reach me are in my bio and generally throughout most of my blog posts. I will help you!!
And if you're interested in joining the August Challenge Group, it's not too late...BUT you must sign up TODAY. I know you can do this and I will be beside you every step of the way BUT you have to TAKE THE LEAP.
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