Wednesday, August 31, 2016

September Strolling Club

As the weather finally starts to cool down a little, it's the perfect time to log some miles and soak up some fresh air and sunshine! So I'm trying a little something new for the month of September with the debut of the Strolling Club. 

The Strolling Club will meet once a week for the entire month of September to explore local parks and trails and enjoy some time of fellowship while getting some exercise. This club is a great way to get to know new friends or spend time with some of your favorite people. Our strolls are exactly that, nothing strenuous! So feel free to bring your kiddos or kid-friendly pups and let's go for a stroll!

Interested in joining the Strolling Club? Email me to get added to the list and you'll receive a weekly email reminder along with dates, times, and locations as well as an invite to join our PRIVATE Facebook group. Feel free to invite a friend too! Just have them email me and let me know that you referred them so they can get added to the list and we can keep this group inclusive AND SAFE!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Baby Loss, Depression, and a Heart That Keeps on Beating

I've been struggling to write this post for awhile mainly because I can't figure out where I'm going with it. I've felt led to write this post for over a week, but to be real, I didn't want to be this honest or this transparent in a place where I have little to no control over the audience. 

I pride myself on authenticity. If I can't be honest, I'll just be quiet...hence my MIA status recently. I was dealing with complete writer's block while I struggled and argued through all the reasons this post didn't need to be written. I didn't need to be "this real." What it really boils down to is that I don't like for what I perceive to be weakness to be shown. If I'm struggling with something that I have control over, like being unable to run a mile, I can share that...because I can change it. I can do the work and eventually be able to do it. I can share past struggles because I've already conquered them. But if I'm being totally honest, I don't know that I would have had the courage to talk about them while I was in the middle of them. I mean when I was struggling through food addiction, I hid it even from my husband. I was ashamed and nobody knew. But I have fought those demons and come out stronger on the other side. What I'm sharing today hasn't been conquered and I have zero power in this situation. (Oh dear, here come the water works!!!)

I have no idea where this is going to go. I don't know where we'll end up at the end or how I'll know when I'm done writing, but I'm just going to go with this and hope something cohesive comes out. 

The last couple of weeks, have been just plain hard. I've been in a funk and I haven't been able to pinpoint exactly what's going on. My energy levels have been super low and I've been allowing myself to come up with excuses to ditch workouts, skip church when I didn't feel well, but totally could have still gone, and let myself detach from friendships. Until Saturday, I had yet to voice what was going on in my head and until the words actually came out, I really felt like I didn't know what was wrong with me. 

I guess we'll need to back up a bit and circle back around. In the last year and a half, I've been working hard to rebuild a relationship with Christ. After years of being angry with God for circumstances out of my control, I joined an amazing church, found a group of amazing friends, and was finally able to let go of anger that had been pulling me down. At a time when my faith was the strongest it's ever been in my life, I was dealt a devastating blow.

My husband and I have very different opinions about whether or not we're done growing our family. He says we're done, and I say something is missing. We each have our reasons and neither is wrong, but there is a hole in my heart, an ache for a baby that nothing else fills. In May of last year when I found out I was pregnant, I was excited and yet terrified. We didn't have enough room, we weren't prepared, what would Jake say...but mainly one thought circled through my mind...finally. I felt like God had stepped in and made the decision for us. I was on birth control and yet here was this little miracle. And then before I could sort through all of the emotions, he was gone. 

I waited for that all familiar anger to come back but it never did. I leaned into God and found comfort in studying my Bible. My heart was shattered and I didn't understand, but I held fast to the knowledge that His plans are higher than mine. I took solace in the story of Job and how God provided more than what had been taken away. I hurt worse than I had ever hurt before, but I never stopped trusting. 

Holidays came and went. My due date passed with no little bundle of joy. My heart was broken but it just kept on beating. In January, during our church's home groups, I was asked to share my testimony with our women's group. Y'all I can write to you all day long, but don't ask me to stand in front of a group of people and talk about anything! And I definitely don't want to stand in front of them and share my story. But I felt God pushing me to do it, so I agreed. Then just a couple days before I was supposed to stand up there and tell those ladies how much I trusted God to make something beautiful out of this horrific loss, I got the news that I had miscarried again. I was stunned. I just kept asking why? When the dust started to settle, I realized that the day had come for me to stand up there and share my testimony. I didn't want to. The whole way to church I kept trying to come up with reasons why I could back out. But I kept driving. I prayed that I would have the words to say and not just be a blubbering mess standing up there and when I stood up there, He gave them to me. 

But life continued beyond that moment. Baby loss is pretty hush hush. People don't want to talk about it. There's this feeling of shame, like you've done something that caused this. There's a feeling of loneliness because most of the time we don't know anyone else that has been through this. And then there's this horrible ache that never goes away. 

I've battled with depression since 2006 and since last May I've struggled not to get pulled down into this black hole of pain and loss. I've had to fight through tears every single day. They come when you least expect it and anything can trigger it. My biggest trigger has been baby announcements. I don't think we realize how many of those we see with our ever-growing exposure to social media. Some days I feel like my Facebook news feed is nothing but baby announcements and since we're being completely transparent, I can't look at them. I want so badly to be happy for them, especially people close to me, but each one is like a knife to the chest. I'm assuming that with time this will get better, but right now I just have to remove myself from situations where there are babies.

Not long before Christmas, one of my dearest friends announced that she was pregnant. I'll never forget the care she took in sharing that news with me or how aware she was of my pain. I don't know if it was the care she took in telling me or what that changed things with her, but I found myself overjoyed for her. While I may not have my own precious bundle to love on right now, I could certainly steal a few snuggles with her little one!

{Side note: obviously, I'm not saying that every parent that makes a baby announcement should be catering to the needs of parents that have lost a baby...not at all. If you're expecting, you share it with the world!! Relish that joy and soak up every single moment!!! While I may struggle to share your joy in the midst of my pain, I'm so wishing that my heart will hurry up and heal so I can jump up and down and celebrate with you!} 

Throughout her pregnancy, that joy never changed. Other announcements broke my heart all over again. I didn't visit friends that delivered in the hospital. I skipped baby dedication Sunday at our church. If anything baby or pregnancy related was involved, I stayed far away. 

Then it was time for her baby shower. I headed into Target just planning to pick up a gift card for her, but decided to just stop by the registry station to see what was on there. Certainly I could walk down an aisle and pick up an item from the list, pay for it and go without incident. Up until this moment I had avoided the baby section of any store like the plague. But list in hand, items to purchase marked on the list, I headed straight into the danger zone. And as I stood there, bottle brush in one hand and a formula dispenser in the other, I lost it. I ugly cried right there in the middle of Target surrounded by staring shopping. Y'all if you're ever shopping in the baby section and there is a hysterically crying woman, stop what you're doing and hug her. It doesn't matter if you don't know her. And if you're not brave enough to hug a stranger, at the very least don't stare at her like she's crazy. I managed to get the items I needed and make it to the baby shower without any further incident.

When her sweet little baby girl made her way into the world, there was no question that I would go to the hospital to see her. I'd already survived Target and if I'd ugly cried in her hospital room, she would have completely understood. But standing there that day, holding that precious little baby, something was different. I still don't know what it is, but she's different. Maybe it's because I know her mom gets it. I don't know. I have absolutely no idea why this one baby is different, but I feel just a little bit better holding her.

So Saturday night as I sat there holding this sweet little girl and talking to her mom, the words finally came to me. I finally knew exactly what was eating me up inside. Lately, I've been dealing with baby announcements that hit a little closer to home. People closer to me than a friend from high school that I haven't seen in years. Either close friends are getting pregnant or I'm seeing people that don't want kids getting pregnant. As someone that wants a baby more than my next breath, I can't explain the pain of talking to someone who says they never want kids in one breath and announces they're expecting in the next. I don't get it. 

That's exactly my problem. I've been mad, hurt, just plain angry because I don't get it. While I still understand that God's ways are higher than mine, there are days that I can't help but entertain the thought that maybe He needs some help up there. The wires are getting crossed and babies are getting sent to the wrong houses. Yes, I'm totally aware of how irrational this is, but the whys are eating me up. And because I don't like to show weakness, you can bet that I've shared this thought process with exactly no one.

But on Saturday, when I word vomited this all over my friend. She didn't tell me I was being unfair or irrational. She only said two words and they meant the world...I understand. Maybe my anger is misplaced. And I'm definitely not handling it well, by isolating myself, but I'm doing the best I can. So on Sunday, when we literally dragged ourselves to church, I couldn't help but smile as we sang...

Nothing can separate
Even if I run away
Your love never fails
I know I still make mistakes
You have new mercy for me everyday
Cause Your love never fails

You stay the same through the ages
Your love never changes
There may be pain in the night
But joy comes in the morning

Throughout Sunday School and our church service, I kept feeling this pull that I needed to write this. Maybe it's just meant to be therapeutic for me to get it out, maybe it's supposed to push me out of my comfort zone, or maybe, just maybe somebody reading this is going through the same thing and needs to know they're not alone. 

Beyond showing weakness, I've struggled to write this because we haven't shared this with many people. At the time, my husband especially didn't want to share it with even the people closest to him. There are people that will see this and have no idea that we've been dealing with this and some of those people will feel like they had a right to know or that it's unfair that they had to read it here. I don't have response for that. I can only say that we're dealing with this in the only way we know how and that's a day at a time. And today, I'm stepping out in obedience. I believe I was told to write this, I believe God confirmed that for me over the weekend, and I believe He's given me the words to finally write this down today. 

I'm about a month away from what would have been my due date and I don't doubt for a second that this one will be just as difficult. I don't know what time will bring. I don't know if someday we'll finally be decorating another nursery or swaddling a precious little baby. I have no idea. All I can do is continue to take this one day at a time.

To our two precious boys in Heaven, Eli & Ezra, we love you more than you'll ever know and I can't wait to see your beautiful faces, count your fingers and toes, and smother you with hugs and kisses on the other side. 

Friday, August 26, 2016

Challenge Group Sneak Peek

With the start of another challenge group around the corner, I thought today would be the perfect day to give you guys a sneak peek into my August Challenge Group. In this group, we've had some sort of physical challenge each week. We've had a challenger drink water while in a back bend for a wacky water challenge. Another challenger used her feet to hold her water for the next week's water challenge.

But yesterday's challenge was completely different. They were given a Pirate Planking Challenge. What does that even mean? Well, it was up to them to define it in their own creative way. It's all about having fun and getting outside of the box. 

{That's a candle holder he's using for a bottle of rum!}

{The card makes it even better!}
{It says, "I don't dress up like this for just anyone."}

I have had so much fun with this awesome group of challengers and I can't wait to see what they've accomplished in the last 21 days, when we finish our group on Sunday! Ready to get in on the fun, win some prizes, and maybe even some money? Get signed up for my next group!! 

You can learn more about the September group HERE

Learn more about the Health Bet and how you can win some money HERE

And when you're ready to get signed up you can message me on Facebook or email me to get in on the fun!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Salmon Burgers with Dill Yogurt Sauce {21 Day Fix Approved}

Y'all these are definitely a new favorite!!! They are seriously amazing and I don't think my family will be surprised at all when we have these again later this week! They're easy to make, so flavorful, and they're not just healthy...they're 21 Day Fix APPROVED!!


For Burgers:
2 lbs salmon
2 tbsp red onion, diced
1/2 tsp lemon zest
1/4 cup whole wheat Panko breadcrumbs
1 egg
1 tsp dijon mustard
3 tsp olive oil

For Sauce: 
1/2 c Greek yogurt
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp capers, drained
1 tbsp dill, finely chopped

1. Remove skin from salmon. Dice meat into cubes.

2. Place cubes of salmon into food processor and pulse until the salmon is ground (about the consistency of ground beef/ground turkey).

3. Add salmon to medium bowl. Add egg, whole wheat Panko breadcrumbs, onion, lemon zest, lemon juice, and dijon mustard along with a little bit of black pepper. Mix together until thoroughly combined.

4. Evenly separate the mixture into 4 parts, and make patties out of each.

5. In large skillet, heat olive oil over medium to medium-high heat.

6. Sear patties for about 3-5 minutes on each side, until they are a deep golden brown. 

7. For your sauce, mix all ingredients (Greek yogurt, lemon juice, capers, and dill) together in a medium bowl. 

8. Top burgers with yogurt sauce and serve. We chose to serve ours with a broccoli slaw salad topped with a variety of nuts and dried cranberries. Yum!

Join my September Challenge Group and have a chance 
to not only get fit but win some money too!!! 
You won't want to miss this!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Joy in the Journey

So often it's easy to get caught up in thinking about all the things that are going wrong or the struggles that we're dealing with. Looking back over my blog posts, I'm struck by how many struggles I've shared. Don't get me wrong, they're legitimate struggles that I've dealt with or am currently working through and I've tried to use them to help motivate you to keep fighting. But sometimes, just sharing the tough stuff can be a bit of a downer. So today we're flipping the script.

I definitely don't want any of you to think that every single day of this journey is going to be a struggle. Of course you'll have days you don't want to get up early to workout and you'll have days that you eat something you'll regret, BUT there is so much more than that. 

I think we all go into our own fitness journey thinking, I'll be happy when I lose a set amount of pounds. We get this number in our heads and let it define when we'll finally be able to look at ourselves with something other than disdain. But when you're really taking care of yourself, eating foods to fuel your body, and using your body in the way it was intended, you're going to have so many positive milestones. 

In my challenge groups, we call these our non-scale victories. Our "little" successes that aren't determined by a number on the scale. These are the real milestones. These are the things that will keep you motivated.

When I started losing weight in 2013, I felt like I had a mountain ahead of me and even when I felt the most motivated I knew it was going to be a daunting task to lose that much weight. I can remember the first day that my favorite pair of jeans no longer fit. Y'all they were maternity jeans and Emma was four. They were the only thing that fit, and if I can be totally real, they were a little tight when I got my wake up call. That feeling was incredible!! I cried, I laughed, and felt proud of myself for the first time in a long time...then I realized that I had nothing that fit to go out and buy something new to wear!! 

I don't think I've ever had so much fun shopping! I knew in that moment I was nowhere near my goal and I wasn't spending much on the clothes I had to buy, but to be able to pick up clothes that were a couple sizes smaller was like a dream come true. At that moment, I knew it wouldn't be easy, but it was definitely possible. Throughout that journey, every single time I went down another size the feeling was the same and that would motivate me like nothing else. 

The thing that is maddening and yet oddly funny now, is that as much weight as I had to lose then, it seemed like once I got my head in the right place, it just fell off. Granted, I know better than that. I worked out like a madwoman and completely changed my eating habits. Somehow this journey has been much more frustrating. With a lot less weight to lose and having already seen such amazing success, I thought this would be easy. It's been anything but. Every ounce I've lost has been a fight, but those "little" milestones are still there. 

I finally have clothes that I could barely get on that are loose. People stop me to tell me how much weight I've lost. And my favorite, I feel better. My energy levels are higher than they've ever been and it takes a lot to deplete them. Just ask my sweet friend Heather, who somehow still loves me even after forcing her to walk almost 30 miles in 100+ degree heat in the middle of August around Washington, D.C. 

When I first started losing weight, I just wanted to be able to play with my daughter without feeling completely exhausted or to bend over and be able stand back up without feeling winded. I hit those milestones long before I hit my number goal. Whatever your milestones are, I can promise you that the things that seem so small will be what keeps you willing to fight each and every day to reach your goal. Maybe that goal is a number on the scale, or your favorite pair of jeans that just won't zip. Whatever it is, you need these little victories to keep you going and y'all, they're just as rewarding as that ultimate goal. So, if you're struggling today and you feel like you're losing the battle, stop and look for these little milestones and enjoy the joy in the journey. 

Maybe you haven't gotten the courage to start your journey yet. I would love to get you started and be there with you to celebrate all of those little moments. So, if you're ready, I'm here. Email me and we'll get you signed up for my September Challenge Group. We'll smash those goals together and we'll celebrate the whole way!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

September Health Bet

My September Challenge Group is getting a little more exciting with a HEALTH BET…NEXT MONTH ONLY! I’ll be using a new app that is designed to help track your workouts and nutrition PLUS you have the chance to get PAID to workout!!! It doesn’t get much better than that, y’all!

How does it work?
-The HEALTH BET is September 5 – October 2
-Beachbody has put together a $1+ million  cash pool to award challengers that consistently workout and drink their Shakeology throughout the month of September. PLUS, they’re adding an extra $5 to the pool for each challenge pack ordered from our August sales! Each challenger has the potential of earning a portion of the pot, which could reach up to $3 million!!
-There is no fee to enter, but you will need a program, or access to multiple programs through Beachbody on Demand, and Shakeology to be eligible.
-You’ll use the app to log at least 3 workouts/week and a photo of your Shakeology 5 times/week
-Plus you’ll have all the benefits of a regular challenge group, meal prep, eating plans, recipes, accountability, and motivation, as well as fun prizes!

Interested in joining? Email me for more information and we'll get you set up on a program tailored specifically to your needs!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Easy Tomato Soup

In the last several weeks we've had several different illnesses from strep to sinus infections and more invade our home. So today seemed like the perfect time to share one of my favorite feel better recipes. This tomato soup recipe in the perfect comfort food and it's so easy to make!


1 tbsp olive oil
1 large sweet onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tbsp all purpose flour
2 tsp dried basil (or 6 tsp fresh basil)
2 tsp dried thyme (or 6 tsp fresh thyme)
4 cups chicken broth
56 ounces canned crushed tomatoes
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp ground black pepper

1. In crock pot, add chicken broth, crushed tomatoes, salt and pepper. 

2. In a skillet, heat olive oil over medium-low heat. Add the onion and cook, stirring occasionally, about 6 minutes. Add garlic and continue to cook, stirring for another 2 minutes until soft but not browned. Add flour and stir to coat onion and garlic for about 2 minutes. Add basil and thyme and continue to stir about 2 minutes, until fragrant. Add to crock pot. 

3. Set crock pot on low for 6-8 hours or on high for 3-4 hours. 

4. Season to taste with additional salt and pepper, if needed. If desired, garnish with chopped fresh basil or your favorite crumbled or grated cheese.

**Soup may be frozen in airtight freezer container for up to 3 months.**

My next challenge group starts September 5th and it's not too late to join!! 
Email me if you're ready to get fit and reach your goals!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Uphill Battles

Y'all I know I've been a little MIA this week. Trying to stay on top of posting here and keeping up with my Facebook page while on a busy vacation in DC proved more challenging than I expected. Not to mention, there's something about getting sick while on a vacation that requires a TON of walking, that really just saps the energy right out of you!

Since I started my second fitness journey in May, I've hit setback after setback. I've shared some of those struggles with you in an earlier post, but this week has been another one. In 2013, when I decided to lose weight, I got to work and the weight just seemed to fall off. This time, it's like fighting a constant uphill battle. Three steps forward, two steps back. I've been sick more times in the last 4 months, than in the last year! It's ridiculous!! But, just because I keep hitting these walls, doesn't mean I'm giving up!

I got the DC trip started off right with a 2 mile run our first morning while everyone else was sleeping! At 6:30 in the morning, it was already hotter than I can even describe! But I got up, covered myself in sweat, and got it done. Success!! Plus did I mention that I got up at 4am Sunday morning to get a 2 mile run in before we even left for DC?! Things were looking great!

We got started early that morning and were able to squeeze a lot into our day. I'd been battling some pretty intense headaches since we left on Sunday, but didn't think much about them. I mean when the heat index is over 100 and you're out in it all day, I think you can expect to be at least slightly uncomfortable. That first day we made it to the zoo, tackled the metro, the Natural History Museum, the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, and even saw the White House. We beat a huge storm back for a delicious dinner at Buca di Beppo and then took a drive (in the storm) around DC to see some of the art museums, the Supreme Court, the Library of Congress, the Capitol Building, and more! It was a busy day. And including my run that morning, my feet covered 15 miles in that awful heat!! 

By the time we got back to the apartment, got showered, and crawled in the bed, we were all wiped out. I didn't feel good when I went to bed that night, but I assumed that none of us did. It was a restless night and by the next morning, I knew I was getting sick. But I also knew, I wasn't going to be the reason we missed out on the fun stuff we had planned. I skipped my morning run for an extra 30ish minutes of rest, but once we were up, we were out the door and pounding the pavement again. That day we managed to see the WWII Memorial, the Vietnam Wall, the American History Museum, National Gallery of Art, the Ford Theatre, Madame Trussard's Wax Museum, grabbed dinner at Chipotle and took the kids to their favorite ice cream shop. All that before it got dark. Then we headed back out for some more sightseeing. Our amazing host drove us out to Georgetown to see the waterfront and pointed out where JFK proposed to Jackie O. We got to see the National Cathedral, the Jefferson Memorial, Iwo Jima, and the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial. Our feet had covered 11 miles of ground by the end of the day. By the time we made it back to our beds that night, I felt like I'd been run over. It had been a memorable trip but I was ready to get home!

By the time we got up on our last day, I figured we were all ready to get home. The kids, however, had a different idea. They wanted to make it to the Air & Space Museum. So we got everything packed up and headed back to the Metro. By this point, I felt so bad I honestly did not know how I was going to make it not only to the museum, but in a car for 6 hours on the way home. But, one thing I'm not is a party pooper! I was not about to be the reason we missed out on our next adventure. So we made it to the museum and discovered that Emma is most impressed by the accomplishments of women. She couldn't get enough of Amelia Earhart. We took our final metro ride back and hit our favorite pizza place on our walk back to the apartment. 

Once we got home, I had nothing left. The last two days have been filled with as much rest as possible and while it's slowly getting better, I still don't feel like myself and I definitely haven't had the energy to get a workout in. It's so frustrating y'all. It's hard to be in a place where your motivation is at its peak and your body just won't cooperate. Please know if you're in that place, you're not alone. Every step of this fitness journey has been a fight for me, but I know that when I do reach my goals, every single one of those steps will have been worth the fight. 

So if you're in the middle of an uphill battle, many one of many uphill battles, you can't stop fighting!! Don't give up. Find the little victories. Maybe I was only able to get in one workout while I was in DC, but we walked almost 30 miles in 3 days! That in itself is a workout! You have those victories too, you just have to be willing to look for them. 

So, I know I've been MIA lately, but even though I'm not at 100% yet, I'm back. I'm here to keep pushing you and encouraging you. I hope your week has been awesome so far and I can't wait to see what we can all accomplish together next week. 

It's not too late to join my September Challenge Group!! 
Email me for more details!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

How To Drink More Water

Last week we discussed the benefits of drinking plenty of water, but even when you know the benefits, sometimes it's just plain hard to drink enough. And how much is even enough? I tell my challengers to take their body weight, divide by 2, and that's how many ounces they should be drinking each day. So if you weigh 100 lbs, you divide by 2, so you'll need to drink 50 ounces of water per day. 

Let's be realistic though, most of us don't weigh 100 pounds and we're looking at a lot more ounces per day. That can feel overwhelming and leave us wondering how we're going to drink that much each day. So today, let's talk through some tips to help you drink all that liquid gold. 

Tip #1: Water Bottle

Your water bottle is the key to your more ways than one. First off, the bigger the bottle, the less times you need to refill it throughout the day. This makes it feel like you're not downing as much because you're not refilling as often. You can also purchase a water bottle that tracks your water intake. 

{Photo Cred: Pinterest}

Be sure to carry your water bottle with you at all times - take it EVERYWHERE you go! This will reduce the temptation to drink sugary drinks like soda and tea. I can't even tell you how many times I've been to a restaurant that only sells bottled water, which is fine if you don't mind the price tag, but the fact that you're paying significantly more for a whole lot less is kind of irritating. So often in our society, we're paying a much higher price tag to take care of ourselves. But if I have my water bottle with me, I don't have to worry about it. Plus, I can promise you that when you have that bottle with you, you're going to be sipping on it all day long. 

Tip #2: Drink before you snack

When you get the urge to snack, drink a glass of water. So often when we think we're hungry, we're just thirsty...and sometimes we're just bored. A glass of water can fill you up and help curb those cravings. 

Tip #3: Track your intake

Keep track with what you're drinking. I keep rubberbands on my water bottle. So if I need to drink 5 bottles, throughout the day, I have 5 rubberbands. When I finish a bottle, I remove a rubberband.

There are also all kinds of apps that can help you keep up with your water intake. There are straightforward apps like Waterlogged, that simply track what you drink and there are others that are styled like a game, like Plant Nanny. Type "water intake" into your app store search bar and you'll find all kinds of fun apps to help you make sure you're getting the water you need. 

Tip #4: Set an alarm

If you're really struggling and nothing else seems to work, try setting an alarm on your phone to remind you to drink. Some of the apps I mentioned in tip #3, will also send you alerts if you go too long without tracking your intake. 

Tip #5: Wake up call

When you wake up, drink 8 ounces of water. Start your day off right by getting those ounces in first thing. Once you start drinking, you'll be more likely to keep drinking. Set yourself up for success.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

How to store your produce

I have definitely been guilty of wasting money on fresh produce that goes bad quickly and ends up in the trashcan long before it ever makes it to our plates. I'm a huge fan of our local farmer's market and love having fresh produce in our house, but if you don't know how to properly store it, you're wasting your money. Today, I'm sharing with you some of the storage tips I've learned to keep my produce fresh longer and save money in the long run.

What to store on your counter top?

{Photo Cred: Pinterest}

Avocado (store on counter to ripen, then move to fridge shelf when ripe)
Basil (likes it warm. Place leaves in cup of water and place bag over top to create greenhouse effect)
Onion (cut onions go in fridge) 
Tomatoes (they like breathing room, so be sure to spread them out)

What to store in a dark pantry?

{Photo Cred: Pinterest}

Garlic (store in a paper bag)
Winter Squash

What to store on your refrigerator shelf?

{Photo Cred: Pinterest}

Asparagus (trim the ends, place in a cup of water, and cover with a plastic bag)
Cilantro (trim the ends, place in cup of water, and cover with a plastic bag)
Bell Peppers
Halved Avocado (leave seed in place, squeeze lemon juice over flesh, wrap in plastic)
Halved Banana (store with peel on, cover end in foil)
Mushrooms (store inside of a paper bag)
Parsley (trim the ends, place in cup of water, and cover with a plastic bag)
Summer squash (store inside of a plastic bag)

What to store in your refrigerator drawer?

{Photo Cred: Pinterest}

Berries (uncovered in ventilated container)
Broccoli (wrapped in plastic)
Carrots (in plastic bag)
Dark Leafy Greens (in plastic bag with paper towel)

Storing your produce correctly makes all the difference. Have any more tips for keeping your produce fresh longer? Comment below and let me know!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

15 Minute Rule to Snacking

Alright y'all, I've already shared with you my struggles with binge eating and food addiction, but today I'm sharing with you one of the tricks I used to break my snacking habit. The 15 minute rule. 

How often are you sitting on your couch dreaming about that last piece of cake in your fridge or that tub of rocky road in the freezer? Maybe you're scraping crumbs out of the bottom of the Dorito bag. Whatever your snack of choice is, you know that feeling when you just want to cave. You want to throw all that healthy eating out the window for a taste of that processed deliciousness.

The problem for those of us with food addiction is that we can't take our minds off of whatever that snack is. It consumes us until we finally cave. In 2013, I had to make a change. One of the simplest changes I made was implementing the 15 minute rule. Quite simply, if you don't still want it in 15 minutes, you don't eat it. If you're still thinking about it after 15 minutes, then you indulge in a small amount.

The kicker is that if more than 20 minutes go by before you remember that you wanted that snack, you have to start over. Almost every single time, I would not only forget about the snack because I knew I had to wait and I would get distracted, but I would even forget that I was keeping time!

It's so simple y'all, but if you implement the 15 minute rule and stick to it, you can break your unhealthy snacking habits too!!

Monday, August 15, 2016

September Challenge Group

It's that time again...time to get signed up for my next challenge group!!!

I'm looking for 10 people to participate in a 21 day challenge to get in shape, try some new workouts, share some recipes, and motivate one another! Plus, everyone that signs up for the September Challenge Group will be able to earn a bonus entry to win a set of Beachbody's Portion Control Containers!!

Not sure what a challenge group is? Think of it like a virtual gym. It's all done online, with people from all over the nation. It's fitness + nutrition + accountability from me and the rest of the team that is going to lead us all to success. It doesn't matter where you live, how in shape or out of shape you are or how crazy your schedule is. We are all in there together, holding each other ACCOUNTABLE.

My challenge groups are our safe place. A place where you are surrounded by people on the SAME journey as you. We all lift you, support you, and keep you ACCOUNTABLE to your goals and dreams. It is a place free of judgment and drama and FILLED with love and guidance. 

How can you join?

Option #1: Challenge Pack

A challenge pack is the bundle that will cover all of the bases as we work on your wellness journey. You have the fitness (workout program DVD's + a FREE trial of Beachbody on Demand), nutrition (Shakeology + meal guide), and ME as your fitness buddy to help you not only start this all, but also guide you through it and COMPLETE this thing from start to finish! Plus, within the group you'll have access to recipes, motivation, and a chance to win some prizes.

Option #2: Try it FREE

Try your first group FREE! With a FREE 30-day trial of Beachbody on Demand (think Netflix for workouts) you'll have access to several full workout programs plus sneak peeks of the newer programs too! You'll also be able to enjoy the newly released reality show, "The 20s," and not yet released, "Fixate" cooking show that teaches you how to create 21 Day Fix approved recipes! Plus, within the group you'll have access to recipes, motivation, and a chance to win some prizes!

What can you accomplish in 21 days? More than you even realize!! In the last 21 days, I've lost 7.5 lbs!! You can do that too! It takes 21 days to form a habit, and that's exactly what we're going to do, form healthy habits to help us reach our goals TOGETHER! Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity! Ready to get signed up? Message me on Facebook or comment with your email below and I'll send you all the details. 

Sunday, August 14, 2016


This month I'm giving away a set of Beachbody's Portion Control Containers on my Facebook page!

Step 1: Like my Facebook Page

Step 2: Comment on the LIVE video - I want to know what you struggle with most: Fitness, Nutrition, or Accountability.

To find the video, just check the pinned post at the top of my Facebook page. If you're looking at the page on your phone, you'll actually have to click "see pinned post" at the top of the page.

Step 3: Share the LIVE video post on YOUR Facebook page


Get 1 BONUS entry for each friend you tag in the comments of the LIVE video 

PLUS, August & September challengers automatically get a bonus entry when they complete steps 1-3!!

**Not in a challenge group? It's not too late to join! Email me or message me on Facebook for details about my September group!**

Giveaway entries will be accepted until 8:00p EST, Monday, August 22, 2016.

WINNER will be announced MONDAY, AUGUST 22

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Virtual Runs: Worth the hype?

If you're a runner on Facebook, you've most likely seen the ads for all kinds of virtual runs. There are charity runs, princess runs, superhero runs, patriot runs, pretty much if you can think of it, it's out there. After seeing these ads pop up regularly on my Facebook and seeing my husband complete one, I decided to check it out for myself. I feel like half the fun of a 5k, is running it with a group of people. I mean it's more for the experience than the actual process of running, right? I really just wasn't sure I understood the hype.

{Hubs completed the "Remember the Fallen 5k" in July}

So, after browsing several of the runs, I decided to go with the Taco Run. I had this whole cheesy idea that I would run it on a Tuesday and make tacos afterwards to celebrate. Let's be realistic though. During the week, I have to get up at 5:00am just to get in a 30 minute run before the hubby leaves for work. And I'm definitely not at a place where I can run a 5k in 30 minutes. So running a virtual 5k on a Tuesday, honestly just isn't going to happen. Plus, even if I could get the run in, does anyone really want to eat tacos at 6:00am? Ok, tacos are good anytime, but who wants to cook them that early?!

{Photo Cred: Salsaritas}

The medal came and it's been sitting on my dresser for weeks, just staring at me. We have this really awesome medal display rack that my husband put together and it might be weird, but I couldn't hang the medal on there knowing I hadn't actually completed the race. So there it sat on my dresser...staring at me. I guess the hubs got sick of looking at it there because one day I noticed that medal was hanging on the rack with all the other medals. 

I hadn't run the race, but there was my medal proudly displayed like I had accomplished something. That burned me up. Y'all know how I feel about authenticity and I hated looking at that unearned medal hanging there, but in the interest of not letting my crazy show too much, I didn't say anything. It's been hanging there for a week...taunting me. Yesterday, in the midst of all the things I needed to accomplish to prepare for our DC trip, I decided that it was the day. Everything else could wait, I was earning that medal!

Y'all my weather app said it was 88 degrees, but I'm pretty sure it's a bold face liar because I'm quite certain it was really about 200 degrees out there. I ran. I jogged. I walked. I went uphill. I went downhill. I'm pretty sure I covered every single street in our neighborhood. I watched the sun set and dragged myself home after 4 miles. 

The heat was exhausting and I easily could have headed home much earlier, but knowing I had set a goal to earn that medal that was taunting me was enough to not only push me to my goal, but beyond it. While I'll admit, the virtual runs aren't near as fun as going to a 5k with a huge group of people just like me, it was definitely motivating and a whole lot cheaper!

Will I do another one? Absolutely. I think next time I would rather stick to the charity runs so I'm not just adding another medal to my collection, but actually doing some good too. The virtual run was definitely motivating and I think would be the perfect way to pull myself out of a slump. Definitely give one a try and let me know if you do. Maybe I'll sign up and we can run it together. 

So, get running, girlfriend!

Friday, August 12, 2016

The Benefits of Drinking More Water

{Photo Cred: Pinterest}

Yesterday in my challenge group, we did a wacky water guzzling challenge where all of my challengers were asked to post a wacky photo of themselves drinking water. It was definitely fun and one of my challengers even posted a photo of her doing a back bend and drinking water upside down! The whole challenge got me thinking about all of the benefits of staying hydrated, so that's what we're going to talk about today. 

Benefit #1: Weight Loss

Water is one of the best tools for weight loss. It often replaces those high-calorie drinks like soda and alcohol with a beverage that has no carbs, no sugar, and no calories. It's also a great appetite suppressant because often when we think we're hungry, we're actually just thirsty. 

{Photo Cred: Pinterest}

Benefit #2: Healthy Skin & Kidney Health

Drinking water can clear up your skin and help you look more refreshed. Drinking plenty of water also improves the effectiveness of your kidneys. This will allow your kidneys to flush out toxins and waste products more effectively from your body, which in turn improves the overall health of your skin.

Benefit #3: Digestive Problems 

Our digestive system needs a good amount of water to digest food properly. Drinking the correct amount of water can help cure stomach acid problems and when paired with fiber can help relieve constipation. I've been suffering with IBS for over a year now and I can tell an enormous difference when I am not drinking enough water. When I do drink enough water, my symptoms are less intense and even sometimes non-existent. 

{Photo Cred: Pinterest}

Benefit #4: Energy

Being dehydrated can drain your energy and make you feel tired. If you're're already dehydrated. This can lead to fatigue, muscle weakness, dizziness, and more!

Benefit #5: Reduce Headaches

Another symptom of dehydration is headaches. Often when we have headaches, it's simply a matter of not drinking enough water. 

Roughly 60% of our bodies are made of water. Drinking enough water maintains the body's fluid balance, which helps transport nutrients in the body. Our bodies need this liquid gold! And just because, I know you want to see the amazing challenger I mentioned earlier, here is the winner of the Wacky Water Challenge - be sure to show her some love!!

August Challenger &
Water Drinking Extraordinaire 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Simple Food Swaps

One of my biggest struggles early on was feeling like I had to give up foods that I loved. I would get so frustrated just going without those things that I would cave and binge on all of them. Picture Augustus Gloop from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"...that was me after a week, alright let's be honest 4 days, of clean eating.

{Photo Cred: IMDB}

Once I realized that I could swap out some of the ingredients that I loved for foods that didn't change the taste substantially, I started seeing success with eating clean. Today I'm going to share some of my favorite simple food swaps with y'all. 

Simple Food Swap #1: Sour Cream

Try swapping 1/4c of sour cream (123 calories) for 1/4 c of low-fat Greek yogurt (43 calories). You'll save 80 calories and get a big protein boost!

Simple Food Swap #2: Butter

Instead of a whole stick of butter (810 calories), try using 1/2 stick of butter with 1/4c of mashed avocado (505 calories). You'll save 305 calories and get a boost of healthy fats and fiber!

Simple Food Swap #3: Pasta

I'm a carb lover so limiting pasta in my diet was HARD!!! I've found that I love swapping 1c of pasta (221 calories) for 1c of spaghetti squash (31 calories). I save 190 calories and honestly, it tastes BETTER than the pasta.

You can also try 1c of zucchini noodles (25 calories). You'll save even more calories and get a boost of fiber.

Simple Food Swap #4: Mayonaise

Try using 2 tbsp of fresh avocado (50 calories) to replace 2 tbsp of mayonaise (109 calories) and save 59 calories. Plus, you'll get a boost of healthy fats and the avocado tastes even better!

Simple Food Swap #5: Mashed Potatoes

{Photo Cred: Pinterest}

I've already told y'all that I'm a carb lover, so it should come as no surprise that staying away from my beloved mashed potatoes was hard. But, I'm in love with this food swap (heads up - my daughter and hubby totally disagree with me on this one!). Try swapping 1/2c of mashed potatoes (67 calories) for 1/2 of mashed cauliflower (14 calories) and you'll save 53 calories.

Give some of these food swaps a try and let me know what you think!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Upcoming: Washington, D.C. Fitness Challenge

Hey y'all! Sunday morning the mini and I are packing up the car and heading to Washington, D.C. for a few days. This is the second time she's been, but this trip she is so excited because she's absolutely obsessed with the presidents! It's crazy all the facts she knows and she's constantly teaching me things I never knew.

I've been worried about not being able to be as readily available as I normally am and trying to manage time off with keeping up with everyone depending on me for accountability and encouragement. So, I started brainstorming some ideas that could help me incorporate my love of fitness with my vacation and I've come up with a little something, but I need some help from you guys.

Last month, I posted a photo of me planking at the zoo to complete a challenge in my coach's challenge group. So now, I'm taking the silly fitness challenges to D.C. and I need some suggestions. So I want you to comment below with some things you would like to see me do and maybe, just maybe, I can get the mini to participate too!

Whether you want me to plank in front of the Washington Monument or run the length of the National Mall, let me know. I'm open to any idea (as long as it's respectful to the space - I won't be doing sit-ups at a War Memorial) and will do my best to accomplish as many of them as possible. I'll post some of the pictures while I'm gone and then I'll put together a post with those, some photos from our trip, and some of our favorite memories. 

So get to commenting below and let me know what crazy fitness challenge you want to see me complete! I can't wait to see what you guys come up with!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Impossible Things

When it came time to make a new year's resolution for 2016, I knew I wanted to do something different. I didn't want to just set a goal to workout more or lose 50 pounds. I wanted to think bigger, accomplish more. But most of all, I wanted to start working towards things I had always wanted to do. My solution, a bucket list for the year.

So that's exactly what I did. I created a list with 219 things I wanted to accomplish this year. Things like:

-Making a family cookbook
-Learning how to make a meal I love to perfection
-Reading at least 6 new books
-Watching classic movies I've never seen like "Casablanca" and "An Affair to Remember"
-Going to a concert
-Taking more videos instead of pictures
-Going to Disney
-Kissing my hubby in front of Cinderella's castle
-Volunteering with my husband for a charity we both care about
-Completing a physical challenge with my daughter
-Writing a Bible study
-Playing in the rain
-Taking a beach trip with the girls
-Jumping in a leaf pile
-Go on a horse-drawn carriage ride
-Kiss under the mistletoe
-Seeing a game at Duke
-Do something that scares me
-Visit a place I've never been before
-Start a random new tradition
-And on and on

Out of all the items on my list, there was only one that I felt certain would be left unchecked at the end of the year. I wanted to run a mile without having to stop. That's it. That was my impossible run a mile.

Y'all even at my fittest, when I was 16 and could throw girls over my head in cheerleading practice and catch them with ease...I couldn't run a mile. I blamed it on exercise induced asthma or just not being a runner because no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't do it. Since January, I've been staring at that white line on my bucket list, watching so many other things get checked off, and it just stares back, taunting me. Several times I considered just scratching it out so I wouldn't have to look at it any more, but something held me back. 

Yesterday morning started like any other day. My alarm went off at 5:00a and as usual I started battling the demons in my head telling me to just go back to sleep. I finally shoved back the covers and made my way to the kitchen to make my preworkout. Even as I got dressed I kept thinking how easy it would be to just get back in the bed, snuggle up to my hubby, and go right back to sleep. But I didn't.
{Photo Cred: Lisa Congdon}

As I laced up my running shoes, nothing felt any different. I turned on my music and walked out the door. About 2 minutes into my warm up, I wanted to run. I ignored my C25K app counting down until my workout was supposed to begin and took off. I made it about halfway down one street before I set my first goal. I planned to make it to the end of that street, turn onto another and make it to the end of that one. I'd never run that far in one stretch. It never occurred to me that I would actually make it. With the size of the hill on the first street, I would have been proud of myself just to make it to the second street.

Somehow, I not only found myself at the end of that second street, but I found that I was still running! I set another goal and when I reached that one with plenty of gas left in the tank, I set another. I could hear my app pop up in the background telling me when to walk and when to run, but the entire time I was still running. At some point, I just couldn't believe that my legs were still going. I wasn't in pain, I wasn't tired, I was just running. I kept setting my small goals and I kept smashing them.

Then I checked my running app and I saw how close I was to running a mile. By close, I mean .25 miles away. I had already run .75 miles. I'd never done that before. I could have stopped there and I would have been ecstatic, but I couldn't stop. This was the closest I had ever been to reaching my goal and I was going for it. I ran and ran. As soon as I saw that I'd hit a mile, I planned to stop and start my cool down. I turned my music up and kept pounding the pavement. 

I use the Map My Run app to track my running and it talks to you when you hit a mile. As soon as I heard that voice, I couldn't believe that I had done it. I had run a mile. But y'all that wasn't the best part. The best part? I was still running!! I didn't stop once I hit that goal, I kept going. I was able to run 1.43 miles before I ran out of time and had to get home so my hubby could get to work. 

Y'all, not only did I do my impossible yesterday, I went beyond it and it feels amazing!!! It's hard to believe that after struggling all last week, that I kicked off this one with my biggest accomplishment so far.

You can do your impossible too! Whatever it is that you want to accomplish tomorrow, you've got to start working for it today. If you don't know where to start or you need someone to hold you accountable along the way, let me know. I'm here for you and I'm happy to help. This feeling is amazing. Knowing that you've done something you believed was impossible is the most freeing realize that anything is possible if you work for it. I think we say that so often, "anything is possible," but I don't think we really believe it or push ourselves towards the impossible. Today, I'm challenging you to step in the direction of your impossible. If I can do this, so can you! You've got this!

{Photo Cred: Pinterest}