Friday, August 5, 2016

Personal Development: What is it & why do I need it?

When you join a challenge group, you'll make 10 commitments that you're going to stick to for the duration of the group. Whether the group lasts 7 days or 21, you're going to stick to them every single day. One of those commitments is dedicating an hour a week to personal development. As always, let me be real, the first time my coach mentioned personal development, I had no idea what she was talking about. Her answer was much simpler than I expected and hopefully, you find mine to be that way too.

Here's the simplest answer, your personal development can be anything you'd like, but the key is to find something that helps you eliminate or minimize your weaknesses. Ok, that sounds more complicated than it should. Let's back up a little. 

In some ways, your mind can be your worst enemy. I know when I took up running, my mind would tell me I couldn't go on any longer, long before my legs did. My mind would tell me those last few steps weren't possible, but if I pushed, my legs would definitely carry me. You have to be able to push past what your mind is telling you. How do you do that?

One of the most effective things you can do is to change your mindset and personal development is the key to your success. It's your job to protect your dreams, protect your goals, and protect the journey that you're on. When you're taking the time to pour into positive things into yourself, learn new skills, and encourage yourself, you're less likely to buckle under the pressure of negativity. Whether that negativity comes from your own head or people around, the goal of personal development is to refocus you and keep your eyes on the prize. 

We all have strengths and weaknesses, but we can't simply rely on our strengths to push us toward what we want most. If we don't deal with our weaknesses, they can easily drag us down. We certainly want to play up our strengths, but at the same time we should figure out what those weaknesses are and find a way to face them head on. 

For me one of my biggest weaknesses is that I'll pour everything I have into everyone around me and not leave any time for myself. If you're a mama reading this, I'm just going to assume that you understand and please know you are not alone!! Solidarity sister!! When it came time to figure out what I felt like I was lacking, I realized it was simply some "me time." My life had become so busy and frazzled, that despite loving the Bible study I was supposed to be participating in at church, I never seemed to be able to find the time and each week I was slipping farther behind. For an overachieving, type A, that's a problem. 

That did, however, make my decision an easy. Personal development for me would be my Bible study time. I marked off 30 minutes each day, knowing that as long as I accomplished 10 minutes, I had done what I planned. That gave me room for life to get in the way, for my daughter to wake up crazy early, for my alarm to not go off on time, it gave me wiggle room. And mamas, I know you know how difficult a strict schedule is, we need flexibility...but we also need accountability. We've got to stick to what we're committing to do. Adding that wiggle room was the solution for me. 

Having that time for myself sets the tone for my entire day. I'm ready to face the world knowing that my head and my heart are in the right place. And most of all, on the days that I let life take over and throw me off course, I can tell a difference. Maybe I'm a little less pleasant or I'm like a rubberband stretched too tightly...the smallest thing could make me snap. 

That time has become a staple in my day. I've made it a priority and it's the last thing I'm willing to give up. Why? Because when I've accomplished that and I've had that quiet time with God, I'm empowered to face my day. I'm ready to sit down and write the next blog post, or pour encouragement into my challengers, even power through a tough workout. When my mind starts telling me I can't do something, Scripture comes to mind. That's exactly what helps me push through. 

That's why I have my challengers spend time each week on personal development. I want them to build confidence in the areas where they are the weakest so they find it even easier to take steps in the right direction to help them reach their goals. And that's exactly why I'm glad my coach made it a requirement too. 

It really is mind over matter, but sometimes you need to change your mind before you can find success. Below are some great recommendations that you may want to try and please don't worry if Bible study isn't your thing, there are plenty of other options.

Not a reader? Try a podcast! The podcast app on my iPhone has TONS of great audio and it's FREE!

Bible Studies:

"Jesus, The One & Only" - Beth Moore: I'm currently working through this one and I love it. It's a very in depth study of the Book of Luke that takes you on a journey with Christ throughout his ministry.

"What Love Is" - Kelly Minter: I did this study a few months ago and it is probably one of the best studies I've ever done. It takes you through 1, 2, & 3 John and it's powerful!

"Armor of God" - Priscilla Shirer: This is probably one of the most intense studies I've ever done. Learn about how to put on the armor of God and how to wear each piece effectively every single day.

What's On My List To Read:

"7 Habits of Highly Effective People" - Stephen R. Covey

"Tribes" - Seth Godin

"The Slight Edge: Secret To A Successful Life" - Jeff Olson

"Salt, Sugar, Fat: How The Food Giants Hooked Us" - Michael Moss

Y'all there are so many other wonderful books, podcasts, webinars, etc out there. You just have to be willing to look! But I can promise you that if you take the time to pour into yourself an hour a week or 10 minutes a day, you are going to see a change in yourself! Make the's worth it!

Comment below and let me know what you're reading (or listening to)! I would love to know!

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