Good morning, y'all!! It's the last day of July and as I finish one challenge group today, I'm proud to say that I'm down a total of 7" and 5 lbs!!! I still have 2 days of Hell Week left, but I can't wait to see how many of these changes are thanks to taking that challenge...'cause no joke y'all, this is the hardest fitness challenge I have ever done. With all this momentum, I'm excited and ready to hit the ground running into my first challenge group on my own.
So, yesterday I gave you guys some tough love and told you to take a leap and today I'm here to tell you that it's still not too late, but today is the last call for my August Challenge Group I have a couple of spots still open, but they will only be available until midnight. We get started bright and early tomorrow!
If you're ready to get started, get busy, and get results, email me or message me on Facebook. This group is going to be awesome and the challengers that have already signed up are going to be great!! So ask yourself today where you want to be in 28 days. In the last 21 days, I've managed to achieve some awesome results, and I know if you're willing to put in the work, you can do the same!!
Hey y'all, I'm rushing this morning to head to a training seminar for a new job I've taken on at Emma Boo's school, but I wanted to take a minute to share the thought that has been bouncing around in my head as I prepare for the start of the August Challenge Group on Monday. So, don't expect something profound or perfectly written or even filled with funny memes, just a little truth bomb to start your day. But know this, if you don't like tough love, this post isn't for you. Check back tomorrow and I'll try to post something on the lighter side.
I've shared before that I had every excuse in the book, but then something changed. Someone held a mirror up to me and it wasn't just that I didn't like what I saw, but more that I realized what was happiness, my personality, a genuine smile. That was the kick start that I needed to do what needed to be done. My husband was a different story. He's worked out with one of his closest friends and that friend motivated him with trash talk and tough love. Well, as a HUGE sports fan (GO BLUE DEVILS!!) I definitely don't hate this approach. While I'll agree that it's not for everyone and it's not the first approach I choose with my challengers, today it's where my head is.
So today I'm talking to everyone that is sitting where I was. The people that get up every morning a get on the scale or look in the mirror and hate what they see. The people who think, I'm going to start working out or eating healthy...TOMORROW. Guess what ya'll, we're not guaranteed a tomorrow. You can keep putting this off until tomorrow, but let me tell you this, until your mindset changes, until you decide to make a change TODAY, nothing will ever change. You have to make that decision, you have to choose to change TODAY!!
And guess what? Only YOU can do that. I can't take that leap for you. I can't make you do and there are no magical words I can say to make you start today. You've got to dig down and take a good look at yourself and realize that YOU ARE WORTH IT and the only thing standing in your way is YOU!!
That first step might look different for everyone, but it just needs to be a step you take TODAY. Maybe you start by switching out that cheeseburger for a salad, maybe you go for a walk...or even a run this morning, or maybe you need some help getting started.
My first time around, I didn't need anybody's help. I didn't tell anyone what I was doing, I just got busy. And I was super successful. This time, I couldn't find that same motivation. I had put on some weight, sure, but I was nowhere close to where I had been. I was struggling and then someone reached out to me and invited me to join a challenge group. Joining that group made me realize what I needed this time was a support system and accountability.
Y'all I can't say that I've reached my goal this time. In all honesty, I'm just not there yet. BUT I'm on the road. I've taken the steps I need to take EVERY SINGLE DAY for the last 33 days and I'm not quitting. I will stay in a challenge group as long as I need to in order to reach my goals, and probably beyond that.
The first time around, I used P90X to change my life. The second time around, I'm still using Tony Horton, but my most valuable tool is the people around me supporting me and encouraging me along the way.
You have to figure out what tool you need to change your life, but in the meantime, it's ok to try different things. You just have to try. Maybe there is a workout program that you've used in the past, awesome, try that. Maybe you need some help, I'm here. All the links to reach me are in my bio and generally throughout most of my blog posts. I will help you!!
And if you're interested in joining the August Challenge Group, it's not too late...BUT you must sign up TODAY. I know you can do this and I will be beside you every step of the way BUT you have to TAKE THE LEAP.
In 2013, when I first started P90X, I was quickly captivated by the witty banter, silly pterodactyl impressions, and quick tips that Tony Horton would throw out during the workouts. Motivation was always a struggle for me and it was easy for me to half-ass a workout or get distracted and walk away from the TV before I finished. Something about this workout program was different and I believe it was Tony Horton, 100%! His corny jokes, his encouragement, and let's be real when he was correcting someone or telling someone not to stop, not to quit, I felt like he was talking directly to me because usually that's exactly what I was struggling through. (And yes, I'm totally aware he can't see me, and he is not talking directly to me.)
He would give modifications for harder moves and all of his tips helped me learn how to properly execute each one. But one of those tips has stuck with me since then and has become my workout mantra. I'm sure I'm paraphrasing, but he would repeatedly say to go until you couldn't and then do two more reps. (Unless, the weight is over your face...then "don't smash your face!")
Y'all as long as I've been working out, I would always stop when it hurt. In my head that was my limit and I didn't see any benefit to pushing beyond that. What I learned from Tony Horton was that the best work is done in those last two reps. When you feel like you've got nothing left, but you push through those last two. It's the best feeling and your body is really doing work. That's where the results come from.
When I took up running earlier this year, it was so easy to transfer that "two more reps" mentality to "two more steps." And using that allowed me to push myself farther every single day. The best thing I've discovered is that so often, when I think I have nothing left, and I force myself to pull out those last two reps, what I'll realize is that I have more to give. And those last two reps become two more and two more.
It's such a simple idea, but to those who have never worked out or never push outside of their comfort zone, this could revolutionize your workouts. Those results your struggling to find...they are waiting for you...just outside of that same comfort zone. Push past the discomfort and the thoughts in your mind telling you to quit. You can do this, you can do those last two reps, take those last two steps.
So, as many of you know my August Challenge Group starts next week. What am I doing to prepare for it? Well, beyond finding meal plans and recipes that suit different allergies and tastes, planning fun mini-challenges to mix throughout our larger challenge, and filling those last few spots, I've also started Hell Week.
My workout plan for myself throughout the August Challenge Group, is to officially get started on the 22 Minute Hard Corps workout schedule. But I had a week to fill and I needed something to challenge me, really get me on fire before I jump into this group. So, the Hell Week Challenge seemed perfect.
What is the Hell Week Challenge? It's a 7-day challenge and each day is a different mix of 22 Minute Hard Corps workouts. And unlike the regular schedule where you have 1 regular workout and maybe a core workout, during Hell Week you've got 3 cardio/core workouts (2 cardio/1 core) or 2 resistance workouts.
As of today, I'm on day 3. And assuming it's going to be pretty similar to day 1, it's going to be hard!! Y'all these workouts are short but they are jam-packed!! You never stop moving and you're engaging multiple muscle groups throughout the workout. Seriously, after each cycle, you get a 22 second break. 22 SECONDS!!!!
But, as hard as these workouts are, they are so much fun!! I haven't loved a workout program like this since P90X, and I might love this one more!! Tony is harder on you than ever before and there's a lot less chatter, but it's fun. You might miss out on his Pterodactyl impression or doing the Superman-Banana, but you'll have just as much fun with A-Skips and the Gorilla Crawl. And I mean, who isn't up for a Frog Burpee?!
I know today's post is a little shorter than usual, but I just wanted to give you guys a little insight into this Hell Week thing you keep seeing me post about and share why I love this program so much!! It is definitely not one for the faint of heart, but if you're brave enough to give it a try, I know you'll love it!!
Don't forget, there are only 3 days left to sign up for the August Challenge Group!! Within the group you'll get access to meal plans, meal prep strategies, recipes, shopping lists, workout schedules, plus I'll be sharing more of my journey through the Hard Corps program. If you're interested in joining, comment with your email below or message me on Facebook. The group starts August 1st, so don't delay!! You won't want to miss this!!
Y'all I know all too well the excitement that comes with the arrival of the cheat day!! You've worked hard all week to eat perfectly and finally that day comes when you can dig in and eat whatever you want. But what you forget each week is the guilt that follows that cheat meal.
I can remember the feeling of waiting all week for my cheat day to arrive, planning exactly what I was going to splurge on. Finally, my meal would come and that first bite would be everything I dreamed it would be. Then I would start to think, "I really shouldn't be eating this, it's got so many calories," or "it's so fattening," or "I'm going to have work harder tomorrow to make up for this," and on and on. I would try to rationalize that I deserved this meal because of how good I had been and as long as I was stricter next week, it would make up for my cheating. I was stuck in this cycle and I saw no way out.
Often my cheating would cause so much guilt that I would be discouraged and would easily let that one cheat day, slip into a cheat weekend, and on and on until my progress was completely derailed. Not to mention that these over-indulgent cheat days would tear up my stomach. My body never felt well the next day. Because of the guilt I was dealing with and the sluggish, bloated way I felt the next day, I couldn't even enjoy this day I had been looking forward to all week.
I had no idea how to change what I was doing. My meals during the week were so strict, plain, and unsatisfying. I couldn't wait to eat anything else. I was limiting myself to tiny portion of bland salads and plain grilled chicken. Nothing had flavor and nothing made me feel full. But the thought of having that one cheat day, would keep me going through the week. And so the cycle would continue, week after week. Strict deprivation. Overindulgence. Guilt. Over and over again.
So, how did I break the cycle? Well, for me a couple of things changed...
1. I learned how to eat clean
We've talked a lot about clean eating in the last week, so I'm not going to dig into that much, but once I realized that I could eat good-tasting, flavorful food it made my meals enjoyable. I actually looked forward to what I was eating.
2. I learned portion control
For me, having portion control containers was a game-changer! To know exactly how much of a delicious food I could have with each meal made my meal planning so much easier. I was surprised to see how much food I could have and it was a lot more than I'd been allowing myself. They allowed me to eat well and still feel full!
3. I started incorporating a "lifestyle meal" each week
No more "cheat" meals!!! Each week when making my meal plan, I plan in advance where I'm going to work this meal in. I limit myself to an extra 500 calories per week. This meals I can use them all in one meal or I can spread them out throughout the week. Whatever works for me.
The thing I didn't expect was how little I would actually use those extra 500 calories. My food throughout the week is so delicious and keeps me so full that I usually find that I'm skipping that lifestyle meal. And even better than that? I've fallen in love with my daily Shakeology that my sweet tooth cravings are completely gone. I never would have believed someone if they had told me that was possible!!
If you're reading this and you're realizing that you're stuck in this all or nothing cycle, know that you can get out!! Find a meal plan that you can stick to without feeling deprived. It shouldn't be bland and it shouldn't be boring. You can eat well and enjoy it!
But know this, there are days you're going to mess up. There are days that you're going to have that extra piece of cake you didn't plan on or that big, juicy burger at your favorite restaurant, and that's ok!! No one is expecting you to be perfect every single day. You haven't failed because you had a few extra calories. You don't owe yourself an extra workout. You don't need to deduct calories from tomorrow. Tomorrow is a new day, your next meal is new meal. It's ok to give yourself another chance. You can do this!! I believe in you!!
If you're struggling to find a meal plan that works for you or you can shake that sweet tooth, let me know! Reach out, I'm here for you and I will help you!! My upcoming August Challenge Group might be perfect for you. It's a great place to learn how to meal plan, how to meal prep, learn some awesome recipes, and more...and you can join for FREE!!!!! Interested? Comment with your email below and I'll send you the details!
If you've been reading the blog or following my Facebook page recently, you've been seeing all kinds of posts about joining my upcoming August Challenge Group. The problem is, most people have no idea what a challenge group is, what it can do for them, or why they would want to join one. Well, have no fear, today's post features all the nitty gritty details!!
WHAT is a challenge group?
Think of it as a virtual gym. It's all done online, with people from all over the nation. It's FITNESS + NUTRITION + ACCOUNTABILITY from me and the rest of the team that is going to lead us to success. It doesn't matter where you live, how in shape or out of shape you are or how crazy your schedule is. We are all in there together, holding each other accountable.
Your challenge group is your safe place. A place where you are surrounded by people on the same journey as you. We all lift you, support you, and keep you accountable to what your goals and dreams are. It is a place free of judgment and drama and filled with love and guidance.
WHO can join a challenge group?
Anyone!! There is only one requirement...a need and a want to improve yourself. If you have a goal, I want to help you achieve it. Whether that goal is to train for a 5k, or to be able to be a better example of health & fitness for your kids, or to be able to improve your health. Whatever your fitness, nutrition, or health goal is, this group will be one of your most useful tools to achieve that goal.
WHERE is a challenge group located?
Like I mentioned before, a challenge group is a virtual gym. You'll be able to access our challenge group in a closed Facebook group. Only active members of the challenge will be in the group and no one on the outside can see what you're sharing.
Because this is a virtual gym, you don't have to drive anywhere to meet up with people and you can check in on the group at whatever time fits your schedule best. Your only responsibility is to check the page daily, do that day's task, and to stick to the goals you've made for your self.
HOW long does a challenge group last?
Challenge groups can last for any length of time. Last week I completed a 3-Day Dance & Diet Challenge. The August Challenge Group will be a total of 28 days, 7 days of prep (learning what you should be eating, how much water you should be drinking, how to plan and prep your meals, etc) + 21 days of accountability. Why 21 days? Quite simply because it takes 21 days to form a habit and that's exactly what we want to do, form healthy habits.
But, regardless of the length of the group, you must check in every single day. This group is the key to your success, but if you're not regularly checking in, it's not going to work. You have to show up and when you do, the tools to your success will be waiting for you each day.
WHEN does the next challenge group begin?
My next challenge group begins August 1, which means this is the last week to get signed up. You can read more about that group HERE.
WHY should I join a challenge group?
The first time I was asked to join a challenge group, I had no idea what it was or what it could do for me. I was in need of motivation and I was having trouble finding it on my own. I figured it couldn't hurt to join. When I realized that I had to check in on the group every day, I was a little intimated. Would I really have time to do this? I wasn't sure.
But once the group started, I realized just how valuable this group really was. Every day, I was given a small task to complete. They were usually fun or silly, but something to get me engaged. Then throughout the day, I would see other people completing their workouts or sharing an awesome new recipe. Guess what? Motivation hit!!! When I saw what these people were doing with their day, it lit a fire in me to get stuff done too! Sharing my workouts or healthy recipes, and even my struggles, and getting positive feedback and encouragement made me want to keep going. And as I felt encouraged and motivated, it made me want to help other people feel the same way.
So, why should you join a challenge group? Because it could change your life. Maybe you've tried every fad diet or you struggle to get up each day and workout. If you're willing to take the leap and join a group, you could change that. Your dreams are attainable, you just have to take the first step.
You can join this challenge completely FREE and still get access to all of your workouts online with Beachbody on Demand, as well as access to recipes, motivation, and a chance to win some prizes!
Option #2: Challenge Pack
A Challenge Pack is the bundle that will cover all of the bases as we work on your wellness journey. You have the fitness (workout program DVD's), nutrition (Shakeology + meal guide) and ME as your fitness buddy to help you not only start this all, but also GUIDE you through it and COMPLETE this thing from start to finish! Plus, you'll get everything mentioned in Option #1!
Are you ready to reach out and grab hold of your dreams? Ready to make them a reality? Add your email in the comments below and I'll contact you to get you signed up. You can do this and I'm here to help you...ALL THE WAY TO THE FINISH LINE!!
Earlier this week, I wrote a post about how to eat clean on a budget and after it posted I got a lot of questions asking me to really dive into what clean eating really is. (If you missed that post, you can check it out HERE.) So today that's what we're getting into. You already know how to work your budget around it but today we're going to discuss specific foods you can eat and what those foods do for your body.
Clean eating isn't a diet in the traditional sense. It's not about counting your calories or cutting out carbs, but rather paying close attention to the where the food comes from. You're looking for unprocessed, or at least minimally processed, REAL foods. These are foods that are as close to their natural form as possible. In my other post this week I used the illustration of a strawberry , to minimally processed all-natural strawberry jelly, to a highly processed strawberry Poptart. The strawberry would be a great example of clean eating, the Poptart would be an excellent illustration of what to stay away from.
A healthy diet
consists of a wide variety of foods including vegetables, grains, fruit, lean
protein, and healthy fats. And plenty of water, of course. In order to live a
truly healthy lifestyle we need to be hitting each of these groups and getting
the freshest food, in its most natural (or closest to natural) form. So let's dive into each of these groups and see how they benefit our overall health!
Of all the healthy greens, kale is the superfood king! It is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet! Two of the most impressive antioxidants in kale, quercetin and kaempferol have been found to have blood pressure lowering, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-depressant, and anti-cancer effects. It's also an excellent source of vitamin C, so much so that 1 cup of kale contains more vitamin C than an entire orange! A recent study even found that steamed kale is 43% as potent as cholestyramine, a cholesterol-lowering drug! I know you're thinking, wow that's awesome, but there can't possibly be more...but you'd be wrong. Kale is also the best source for vitamin K, which is critical for blood clotting. In fact, 1 cup of raw kale contains 7 times the recommended daily amount! It doesn't end there, kale is a good plant-based source of calcium, important for bone health, and a decent source of magnesium, which may protect against Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Y'all this stuff is incredible!! I could seriously keep listing the amazing qualities of kale, but I feel like you get the picture. Kale is just one of the amazing foods on this list and it's full of all these amazing things!! It should already be easy to see what incorporating foods like this into your diet can be life-changing, but let's check out some of our other food groups.
It seems like quinoa is all the rage right now and it's popping up in recipes everywhere. There's a great reason for it, it's awesome!! It's gluten-free, high in protein and it's one of the few plant foods that contain all nine amino acids. It's also high in fiber, magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, vitamin E, and various antioxidants. That's all well and good, but what is it? Well, it's a grain that is grown for its edible seeds so it's basically a seed that is prepared and eaten like a grain. A little confusing, but when prepared correctly, it's delicious. Quinoa, like kale, is also a great source of quercetin and kaempferol.
Blueberries are low in calories but high in nutrients and are actually one of the most nutrient-dense fruits. It is believed that blueberries contain the highest antioxidant capacity of any fruit. These antioxidants can help lower blood pressure and can have beneficial effects on insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism, which is excellent news for diabetics. Like cranberries and cranberry juice, blueberries can also be helpful when battling a urinary tract infection. And my favorite, they even been shown to accelerate muscle recovery. Blueberries...the official fruit of leg day!!
Eggs are one of the most perfect foods. They contain a little bit of almost every nutrient we need!! While eggs are high in cholesterol, it's important to remember that cholesterol in the food doesn't necessarily raise cholesterol in the blood. In fact, eating eggs is a great way to raise good cholesterol, or High Density Lipoprotein (HDL). Eggs are also an excellent source of choline which is used to build cell membranes and has a role in producing signaling molecules in the brain, and most people don't get enough of it in their regular diet. A single egg contains 100mg of choline. Eggs contain Lutein and Zeaxanthin, both of which build up in the retina and are great for eye health. These antioxidants can help reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration, two very common eye disorders. And of course, eggs are a terrific source of protein with a single egg containing 6 grams!!
Ok, first off, who knew that an avocado was a fruit? I was certain it was a vegetable, y'all. And as if that wasn't enough, did you know that avocados have a nickname? They're referred to as the alligator pear due to their shape and their bumpy, green skin. I know that seems like enough brand new information about avocados but I can top that. Did you know that they contain more potassium than bananas?! This is huge for me since I despise bananas even though their considered one of the bes things to eat when you have calf cramps. High potassium intake is also linked to reduced blood pressure. I didn't think I could love avocados more, but my love is growing with everything I learn!! They also contain 20 different types of vitamins and minerals. They do not contain any cholesterol or sodium and are low in saturated fat. 77% of the calories in avocados are from fat, but not just any fat, it's a fat called oleic acid. Oleic acid is a monounsaturated fat that is also found in olive oil and has been linked to reduced inflammation. Avocados are an excellent source of fiber, with 7 grams of fiber found in a 3.5oz serving. They can also lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which are both linked to heart disease.
Many nutrients including vitamins A, D, E & K, are considered fat soluble which means they need to be combined with a healthy source of fat to be properly absorbed. Because of their high fat content, avocados can dramatically increase the nutrient value of other plant foods that you're eating. Like eggs, avocados are also packed with Lutein and Zeaxanthin, which are excellent for eye health.
I'm not going to dig into the benefits of these foods, but these are your guilt-free options. There is no shame in their game!! Enjoy them to your heart's content.
Y'all this post just gives you information on one food from each group and they all had amazing health benefits. And that just ONE FOOD PER GROUP!!! Y'all these foods can change your life!! Eating clean can still be delicious but it's also the best thing you can do for your body!!
Want to learn more about how to eat clean and stick to it? Join me for my August Challenge Group and you'll learn all that and more!
Y'all I hate spending money. I hate spending on things I need and often won't even spend on things I really want. I'm frugal to a fault. I've been called cheap and while I'm always so ready to give all of my time to someone, I really struggle when it comes to giving my money. I will spend countless hours researching a cheaper option or putting off a purchase as long as possible simply because I don't want to see that money disappear out of my bank account. I imagine that comes from years of being dirt poor, but regardless, that's me. I'm a cheapskate...and I'm ok with that.
I have so many amazing friends who have many different home-based businesses. From Mary Kay and BeautyCounter to Mary & Martha and ThirtyOne. Their businesses are awesome, between all of them, you'll never need to go to a store for more than just groceries. They sell it all and the products are awesome!!! They have these great socials and show off all of the awesome new face washes or kitchen gadgets that they offer. The socials are fun, the products are great, but usually I'm still the one that walks away without purchasing a single item. They all know this. They all expect this. I'm the girl that won't buy it unless I desperately need it. And as much as I love that Pampered Chef chopper, I'm not going to pay $34 for it. I'm just not.
So when my sister-in-law reached out to me about Shakeology, I wasn't even listening to what was in it, why it would be good for me, or why I just had to try it. Nope. No thank you. I'll stick to my $17 protein powder from Wal-Mart, thank you very much. That reads harsher than it sounds in my head, so just take it with a grain of salt and know that I'm not coming from a place of negativity. I wasn't interested in paying more than I already was. To me $17 for a jar of protein powder was already more than I wanted to spend. My husband is most likely rolling his eyes at this point, just like he does anytime I get crazy about not wanting to spend a small amount of money on something we regularly use. I mean have y'all seen how much toilet paper is?! Or milk?! What a racket!!
But in May I signed up to participate in one of her FREE challenge groups and the prize for completing the group and checking in each day was a shaker cup and a sample of Shakeology. Now y'all, I'm not going to pay for this magical shake she's told me about, but you better believe I'm going to be on that challenge group every single day doing whatever crazy thing she tells me to do, to get that free sample. That's just me and I'm owning it loud and proud for all of you to see.
{Yes, y'all, that is me, planking on a monkey,
at the zoo for one of her challenge groups!
There's no shame in my game!!}
And that's exactly what I did. And I earned that free sample, 1 scoop of chocolate Shakeology. But y'all, for real, I'm cheap so I made that sample last. I wasn't about to waste the whole scoop on one drink!! I split in it half and made a chocolate cherry shake, with half a scoop left over. Some would say that's where I went wrong. I tried it. Y'all it was incredible! It tasted just like a milkshake!! And that was with only half a scoop!!! I just kept thinking it must be even more delicious with a whole scoop!
The next day I made another shake, but then my sample bag was empty. And I'm not going to lie, I was bummed. On the third day, I had to go back to my Walmart protein powder, and y'all I didn't even want it. Nothing has ever tasted so bland and so boring. It did nothing to curb my sweet tooth and yet I still didn't order Shakeology!! I still waited almost another month before I finally gave in and ordered it!!
It's now been a week since I placed my first Shakeology order and I've been drinking it every day since it arrived. Y'all my sweet tooth is gone!!! I haven't had a single craving since I started drinking it. NOT ONE!!
Y'all I have seriously been blown away by how incredible this stuff is. I still find it hard to believe that anything this healthy could be this good and even my husband agrees. He compared my S'mores Shakeology to a Cookout milkshake!!! So while I'm still not rushing out to buy that $34 chopper, you can bet that I'll be ordering my Shakeology every month.
And before I sign off, I just want to give a HUGE shout out to each one of my amazing friends that has one of these incredible home-based businesses. I know I'm always the one to leave without a purchase and I know y'all understand why, but I just want to take a second to tell each of you how proud I am of you and how lucky I am to call you my friends!!! Love you girls!!
***Emma has informed me that I'm not actually planking on a monkey in the picture above. Apparently chimpanzees are apes and you can tell because they don't have tails. My 6-year old may be smarter than I am...***
Yes, it possible!!! I can remember the first time I tried to “eat
clean.” I remember wandering around the grocery store, buying anything that
said “organic” and just assuming that meant it was clean. I did no research and
I knew nothing, but I trusted the labels and surprise, surprise I saw no
success and my wallet took a big hit. That was it for me. I just couldn’t afford
this clean eating thing.
Since then, I’ve spent a lot of time really learning about what labels
tell us, but also what they don’t or what’s “hidden” on them. I’ve learned
things to look out for and things to stay away from. But most importantly I’ve
learned how to afford to clean eat without my budget taking a hit.
Today, I want to share some of my tips to help you eat clean and
how to “afford” it.
1.The simpler, the better
Think vegetables, fruits, etc.
Things that don’t come with a label!! I’m a huge fan of the farmers market. If
I’m able to work it into my crazy schedule, I try to make it over there once a
week for fresh produce, herbs, and meat. Everything just tastes a little better
and the quality is just so much better than anything I can find in a grocery
2. Make a list
Don’t go into the grocery store
blind. Know exactly what you’re shopping for. Having a grocery list is the
biggest key to successfully keeping your clean eating budget friendly. When making
my list, I try to keep an eye on what items I already have at home first. What
do I have already that can help dictate what I’m going to make for the week?
3. Stick to the list
Once you’ve made your list, you’ve
got to stick to it. You’re only buying ingredients for the meals you know you’re
going to cook and the healthy snacks you know you’re going to eat. Absolutely
nothing extra. This is where the importance of planning your list comes in. You
want to make sure that you’ve planned everything you’re going to eat. You don’t
want to make several trips back and forth to the store throughout the week, or
that grocery bill will just keep growing.
4. Similar Ingredients
Try using similar ingredients
for your recipes throughout the week. This will help prevent tons of leftover
food that will go bad and you’ll end up spending less because you’re not buying
tons of different ingredients. This DOES NOT mean your meals have to be boring
or repetitive!! You can use similar ingredients and still create completely
unique and delicious meals!! Pinterest may become your new best friend!!! For
instance, if you know you’re buying zucchini for one recipe, look up other
zucchini recipes to use up that produce. Don’t let it go bad. You can pair it
with different grains, proteins, seasonings or other veggies to mix it up.
5. Don’t be afraid to try another
You may have a go-to grocery
store, one that you go to every week and that’s ok. But don’t be afraid to try
something new. I like Walmart. They have everything I need in one place and
with our new neighborhood market, I don’t have to wait in the long lines. But,
their produce isn’t the best. I’ve gotten home only to realize that a 5-lb bag
of potatoes was rotten – side note, have you ever smelled a bag of rotten
potatoes?! I never knew something could smell that bad!! I seriously don’t know
how I made it home with them before I realized there was a problem – I’ve
bought raspberries and blueberries that molded by the very next day, and even
found produce on display in the store with mold on it. That’s just not what I’m
looking for. Now, if I have the time to hit the farmer’s market for my produce
I will, but sometimes I just don’t have the time. For me, Harris Teeter is my
favorite, but ONLY for produce. Their prices are much higher on everything
else. Since the Walmart I like and Harris Teeter are just across the street
from each other, I’ll visit Walmart first and get everything but my produce and
then I’ll hop over to Harris Teeter for just the produce. It probably takes me
an extra 10 minutes, and for me the quality of the food is worth it. Other
people are big fans of Aldi, especially for their produce. That’s not my thing,
but it may be yours. Don’t be afraid to try it!!
6. Know what clean eating really
Just because a label says “organic”
or “natural,” doesn’t mean that’s really what you’re getting. The regulation
for our food is in all honesty pretty deplorable. It constantly amazes me what
companies can get away with sneaking into our food all while their label makes
it out to be healthy. Don’t worry if you feel confused, you’re not alone!! We’ve
all purchased food we thought was healthy only to realize that it just wasn’t.
The best way to know if what you’re buying is the real thing is to check the
ingredients list. My rule of thumb is to see if there’s anything I can’t pronounce.
If the ingredients aren’t real foods…neither is the food you’re buying. For
example, strawberries are great for you. You may even be able to find
strawberry jam that’s decent. But a strawberry poptart, or even those
strawberry “granola” bars…nope! They’re filled with all kinds of junk. Don’t
put that mess in your body!!! This really ties in with #1, the simpler the
label the better.
7. Watch for sales
Most grocery stores will now
email you their sales paper. This is one of the best resources you can use when
meal planning. Does Harris Teeter have spaghetti squash on sale? Check
Pinterest for some great recipes using spaghetti squash and take advantage of
that deal! Just be sure to pay attention to any fine print. If it’s buy one,
get one free, do you have to buy two or can you buy one at half price? You don’t
want to be stuck with food you’re not going to use!! And never buy items you
don’t need simply because they’re on sale, that’s one of the fastest ways to
run up your spending.
8. You don’t always have to buy “organic”
That’s right, sometimes you
really don’t need to buy it just because it says organic. So how do you know
the difference? Here’s my cheat sheet!! Y’all this infographic seriously has
some of the best information on it and I keep it saved on my phone as my own
personal cheat sheet!
You may still feel overwhelmed and that’s ok. Maybe you feel like
you need someone to walk through the grocery store, holding your hand, and
telling you exactly which peanut butter to buy. Guess what? There’s an app for
that. I discovered, FoodUCate a few months ago. You can use it to scan products
while you’re shopping and it will score them with A, B, C, D, or F. The best
part about the app is that it will tell you exactly why the food got that
rating and suggest healthier items you can purchase instead. The only downside…it
can be time consuming. To me, it was worth it because I was able to see what
foods I was regularly purchasing that just didn’t measure up. The longer I used
the app, the less I needed it. It was a great way to learn what to look out for
and how to find healthier options on my own. It’s kind of like clean eating
boot camp!
Want to learn more about meal planning and eating clean? Join my August Challenge Group and learn all that plus some awesome meal prepping tips and tricks!!
Yesterday, I kind of jumped ship on my 3-Day Dance & Diet Challenge Group post, so today I'm working double-time to tell you what I thought about Hip Hop Abs & TurboFire. Before we dive into that though, I really want to go back to my first post, "Do You Know My Story?" for a second.
Y'all when I first found Beachbody, I fell in love with P90X!! I will forever be grateful to Beachbody and Tony Horton for creating a product that challenged me, that I enjoyed, and that was actually effective. With that said, I have learned this week, that P90X has set a precedence for me. Loving it, finishing it, and repeating it several times upped the ante for me. I like intense workouts!! I'm just being real. At the end of my workout, I want to be dripping in sweat and I don't mind if I have to struggle through it. I want to work for it and for me that's what makes it fun. I'm competitive and I love competing with myself every day to see if I can beat the girl I was yesterday.
That's just me, and I'm well aware that's not the norm. I just want to put that out there, let you in my brain for a second, because understanding where I'm coming from really shapes my opinion of the last 2 days. Did you catch that? It's just my opinion!!
Alright, so Tuesday was Hip Hop Abs. My day Tuesday was crazy!! I worked all day and ended up not being able to work out until about 8p. As much as I'm not a morning person, I love my morning workouts!! They set the tone for my whole day, so Tuesday I was already off.
So, what can I tell you about Hip Hop Abs? Well, first off, you won't see any pictures from this one. My husband was home and icing a hurt ankle, my daughter was dancing all over the living room, and I was having to dodge the dog. It was chaos here, and turning the camera on totally slipped my mind. (Don't worry, you'll have some photos when we get to TurboFire in a minute.)
The second thing I can tell you is, Hip Hop Abs just wasn't for me. I think I may just not be coordinated enough. My husband was dying laughing watching me try to follow what Shaun T was doing. Y'all it just wasn't my cup of tea.
There were definitely some positives though and I do think that this program could be awesome for other people!! One of the girls in our group absolutely loved it!! By the end of the workout, I was sweating, probably from all the flailing around I was doing trying to keep up, but regardless, there was sweat. You never stop moving, so you're definitely getting your cardio in. And the biggest plus of all, this was the first time I haven't found myself hating Shaun T! I know he wouldn't care if I did, as long as my core was tight!! If you haven't done Insanity, I know you're confused right now, but that's totally ok!
Wednesday, was TurboFire and this was probably my favorite day of the challenge. Chalene was still a little hard to follow, but I think doing this workout more often and learning the moves, would make this workout awesome. With Hip Hop Abs, I told you that you never stop moving, but with TurboFire you really NEVER stop moving!!! NEVER, NOT ONCE!!
Then at the end of each set, you have a 1-minute power workout, or maybe it's called a turbo workout. That sounds more likely, but I can't remember. You're moving so quickly and incorporating so many moves at once that I don't think my brain really could comprehend what anything was called! It was awesome!! By the end of the workout, I was covered in sweat and full of energy. I could have easily done this one again and I'll definitely be mixing it into my regular workout schedule.
So the big question is, did I see results? Y'all know I like to keep it real and I'm not going to sugarcoat it for you. No, I didn't. The scale didn't go down for me and the tape measure didn't get any smaller. Did I stick to the workout schedule? Yes. Did I stick to the meal plan? Yes. Still no results.
But guess what?! THAT'S OKAY! 3 days is a short period of time. My results may not have shown up when I got on the scale yesterday, but that's ok. I may see results tomorrow, who knows. Not seeing numbers on the scale go down, not seeing the tape measure get smaller, none of that is going to derail me!! That just tells me that I need to keep working.
Will I try all of the workouts again? Probably not all of them. I think it's best that Hip Hop Abs and I break up with each other. Country Heat? Maybe. I've got to get those moves down though. TurboFire? ABSOLUTELY!!!
So, what can you take away from this experience? Well, there are a couple of things:
1. Try the products/workouts yourself. Everyone is different and everyone is going to find success with something different. Don't let my experience with Hip Hop Abs make up your mind about it. Try it yourself! Worst case scenario, you'll look like a tangled up flamingo and if you do, please snap a picture so we can laugh together!!! I promise you won't be alone!
2. Sign up for a challenge group. Even if you walk away without a change in the numbers on the scale, you will walk away with knowledge that you'll treasure forever. You'll learn to change your eating habits, get on a regular workout schedule, and meet so many wonderful people who will cheer you on and encourage you to reach your goals.
3. Your biggest takeaway should be this. Don't get caught up in results. I promise you if you're eating right and working out, the results will come. It takes time. You didn't become unhappy with yourself overnight. I didn't gain 150 lbs overnight. It took time. And it took time to get them off. Everyone will have setbacks. I did. But you get back up and keep moving. You won't be alone. I'm right there with you and together we can both do this! Don't forget that!
Interested in joining a challenge group? I have a new one starting August 1st and I would love for you to join us. You can learn more on yesterday's blog post, on my Facebook page, or email me for more details.
Hey y'all!! Today I'm taking a break from updating you on the Dance & Diet Challenge because I'm so excited to announce that my August Challenge group will be starting August 1st!!
What does that mean for you?
It means that I'm looking for 10 challengers that are ready to get in shape, try some new workouts, share some recipes, and motivate one another.
How can you join?
Option #1: Join FREE
You can join this challenge completely FREE and still get access to all of your workouts online with Beachbody on Demand, as well access to recipes, motivation, and a chance to win some prizes!
Option 2: Challenge Pack
A Challenge Pack is the bundle that will cover all of the bases as we work on your wellness journey. You have the fitness (workout program DVD's), nutrition (Shakeology + meal guide) and ME as your fitness buddy to help you not only start this all, but also GUIDE you through it and COMPLETE this thing from start to finish! Plus, you'll get everything mentioned in Option #1!
Within our closed Facebook group you'll be able to access meal plans, grocery shopping lists, recipes, and track your progress. Plus, participate every single day and at the end of the challenge you'll receive a prize from me!
What do you have to do?
Take before photos and measurements (FOR YOUR EYES ONLY)
Like my Facebook page (
Leave your email below and I'll get in touch to get you signed up!
What can you accomplish in 21 days? More than you even realize!! It takes 21 days to form a habit, and that's exactly what we're going to do, form healthy habits to help us reach our goals TOGETHER! Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity! Let me know TODAY, if you're interested!
Hey y'all!! Yesterday began our 3-Day Dance & Diet Challenge and we started with the exclusive sneak peek of Country Heat's Down & Dirty workout. My daughter Emma has been dancing for 5 years, so she couldn't wait to join me! We had so much fun dance around our living room together and she really enjoyed laughing when I was struggling to get one of the moves.
The sneak peek began with a 14-minute intro that teaches you each move one by one. Some moves clicked right away, some took and minute to get, but there were a couple that just didn't click for me. Emma was laughing so hard, which got me tickled, and made it impossible to really focus on what Autumn was teaching me...BUT we had fun!! A workout like this has to be fun!!!
After learning the moves, the 25 minute workout begins. You learn two moves, one at a time, and then how to put them together. You'll do each move and then the combo, each for an 8-count. Then you move onto another set of two moves. You'll do move like the "knee slapper," the "Charleston," and the "breakfast club." You've already learned all of these moves in the beginning part of the workout, but some are still much harder than others.
Emma and I both enjoyed the workout! While I definitely think it would take me a couple of times to master the steps, I can say that once you've mastered them, this is an awesome cardio workout. You don't stop moving the entire time and your heart rate definitely stays up. But the best part of it is probably that anyone could do this workout!!
Look y'all, it doesn't matter if there are moves you can't figure out. Keep working on them and don't be afraid to laugh at yourself. Just keep moving, and as Tony Horton would say, "do your best and forget the rest!" Just have fun with it!
Interested in trying Country Heat for yourself? Email me and I'll let you know how you can get started.
For years I wanted to run. I wanted to run a 5k, do a mud run for more than just the obstacles, honestly I just wanted to run more than a minute without feeling like my lungs were going to collapse. Even at my healthiest, running just seemed impossible. I can remember my sophomore year of high school getting a new cheerleading coach and before each practice we were expected to run a mile. Even though I had a lot of muscle, a six pack, and could physically lift a person over my head with one arm, I could not run a mile. It was really discouraging and there were days that I considered quitting.
In 2013, while on my first weight loss journey, I tried to take up running, but no matter how hard I tried or how regularly I ran, I could not run for more than 60 seconds without feeling like I was dying. At some point I got it into my head that some people just aren't meant to run. Some people are runners and some people are not. While at face value that statement is totally true, some people run and some people don't, the stigma I was attaching to that statement was totally false.
Earlier this year, my husband, daughter, and I all signed up to do a 5k later this year. It never occurred to me when I signed up that there was even a possibility I would be able to run the entire thing. In May, I rediscovered an app that I used in 2013 with little to no success, C25K. This app is designed to take you from the couch to running a 5k in 8 weeks. I downloaded the app with no expectations. After battling with a broken foot and a brush with Lyme Disease, I really focused on running every day. The C25K app only requires 3 runs per week, but I knew in order to remain consistent and not lose momentum, I needed to be running every day. Plus, who needs a rest day?! Rest day is for quitters right?! (I kid, I kid...well a little, but we'll get into that in another post.)
From the moment I started using the app I felt like I was fighting an uphill battle. I mean literally every street in our neighborhood is uphill. How is that even possible?! I've already shared with you my ongoing battle with shin splints and running uphill has certainly not helped that situation!
In week 1, you're starting with a 5-minute warm-up walk, then alternating 60 seconds of running and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes. Week 1, Day 1...I couldn't even run for 60 seconds. That's no joke. I could not do it. Luckily, the app tells you over and over that you can go back and repeat any day that you want. Thank goodness for that! At that point, I had no idea that each day of the week is the same workout. So there I sat on Week 1, Day 1 for probably two weeks.
I kept thinking that this was too hard. Other people were just built for running and I wasn't. I'd never been able to run and I wasn't going to be able to now. My mind and my doubts were my worst enemy. Then, one day while running a song I'd never heard before came on. (Side note, my musical selections while running are all over the board, sometimes it's rap and other days I use that time to praise best friend says I have musical ADD, and in all honesty he's probably right.) The song "'Til I Collapse" motivated me to keep going even when it hurt. Even when I felt like I couldn't breathe. Then before I knew it the workout was over and I had run every interval I was supposed to...all 8 of them! While to so many people that would be such a small accomplishment, to me it was huge. I imagine that's how people feel when they make it to the top of Everest! I was dancing in the street, celebrating finally pushing past that barrier and accomplishing what I thought was impossible.
Here's the thing about the C25K app, once you accomplish that week's workout you have three days of accomplishment and then you're back at the bottom when you move on to the next week. And each week, I found I was battling my mind much more than I was battling my body. Let me tell you, your body will go much farther than you think it will, but you've got to tell your mind to shut up. Now let me be clear, I'm not telling you to push yourself to injury. That's not what I'm saying. But when you're running and you feel like you can't go any farther, can you take 2 more steps? I promise you can. That's how you begin to shut up your mind. When it tells you to quit, take 2 more steps. Once you've taken those 2 steps, can you take 2 more? Only you know when you truly need to stop, but if you dig down deep I'd be willing to bet that you've got those extra 2 steps in you.
I'm currently struggling my way through Week 5 and it's been a fight every single day. Week 5 requires a 5-minute warm-up, 5 minutes of running, 3 minutes of walking, and repeat x2. It's hard, I mean just plain hard! Will I have to repeat this week? Most likely, but that's ok.
When I started this blog I set two goals, or better yet requirements, for myself. I would share my story and I would be 100% authentic. That means sharing all the messy details. So often social media becomes a place where we only see these little slices of perfection in everyone's life, but let's be real, no one's life is perfect. That's not the image I want out there. I'm not perfect, not even close.
There are days that I don't get up and run, even though I know I should. There are days that I eat crap. There are days that I let the negative things people say and the doubts people voice about my ability to run get into my head. But the most real thing I can share with you is this. I run every single day, and there are many days I really don't want to. Especially this week. Knowing I've been struggling with Week 5 has really frustrating. I'm always surprised how easy it is to forget how far I've come and get stuck focusing on how far I have to go. Running three five-minute intervals seems impossible right now and a "real runner" could easily do this. That thought bounces around my head through most of my run.
Here's the thing though, the real hard-to-hear, yet oddly comforting truth...every single runner has experienced this. Maybe not with 5-minute intervals, but they've all hit a wall at some point. They've all wondered if they would be able to hit that next milestone. I'm no different and neither are you.
So, back to the question at hand, am I really a runner? Heck, yes!! There are all kinds of runners, long distance runners, sprinters, fun runners, and there are people, like my hubby, who run for shirts and medals. There is only one requirement to be considered a must run. And that's exactly what I'm doing.
Eventually, I'll be looking back on Week 5 of the C25K app as my warm up. I'll be running farther and longer than I've ever dreamed. That might not be today, but that's ok. Right now, I'm just focusing on the next 24 hours and what I can do in that time to get closer to my goal...making it to Week 6, so I can start all over again.
So, yesterday while fighting my way through another attempt at Week 5, I had a thought. It will only take a moment before my mom put 2 and 2 together and realizes where I'm going with this...and she'll be laughing long before I get to my point. I am a HUGE fan of the show "Friends," I know every word to every episode and still laugh just as hard at each one. So, while running yesterday my mind drifted to one of my favorite episodes, "The One Where Phoebe Runs." (Ma, has realized where this is headed and she's already laughing.) In the episode, Rachel invites Phoebe to run with her, but Phoebe's style is, well, slightly more carefree than Rachel is comfortable with. (Don't worry I'll include the clip below for those of you less familiar with this hysterical moment...Ma, has stopped reading and moved straight to the clip...and I'd be willing to bet she is already unable to form words because she's laughing so hard.) To Rachel, running is serious business, only about being fit and being fast. To Phoebe, it's all fun. There are no rules, and no one's opinion matters, she just runs. So my last words to you are this, and then we'll get to the clip, if you're struggling to get to that next goal, feeling frustrated, or wanting to quit, be a Phoebe. Just run. No set goals, no restrictions, just run. Remember why you started this journey and just have some fun.
Need some encouragement in your fitness journey? I'm happy to help! Email me and let me know what I can do to help you reach that next goal. Need a running partner? Ok, but I get to be Phoebe!!